How did it come to be.

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Avatar for huddy4life
3 years ago
Topics: Personal, Love, Life, Story, Writing, ...

How did it come to be

that you and me would come to part

i truly thought that me and you would be together forever

right from the start just like your mom and dad.

just look at them they stronger then ever even after after all the hard time they had.

but not that i no longer have u in my life just in my thoughts

im going to remain forever said.

just hoping that u will come back but that day will never come

so i will remain forever sad.

so im debaiting im waiting. i am at the brink of making a deal with satan

i hate no i diss like what my life was like rarley home cause there is no one and nothing there

forget the world i dont care if u dare me to jump off the ledge i will cause

its crazy the way iv made myself feel. im at the point of my life where its hard to deal again.

nothing is real. as the was i realy feel .

so im chillin like a villin looking at the ceiling trying to fugure out how or what it is other then this pain im feeling.

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