Best Way To Generate More Traffic With The Same Content

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2 years ago
Topics: Leofinance, Life, Original, Blog, Story, ...

Focus On Keywords For More Organic Traffic

I have recently published, what in my personal opinion might be my absolute best content in years, with my "Best Way To Earn Interest On Crypto" that in detail covers what Hive Backed Dollars is all about and how you can earn 20% interest with HBD, which is the stablecoin of Hive.

My next publication after that went hand in hand with what I have been talking about a lot lately, "How To Write Captivating Posts For Success" is an in-depth article that covers all aspects of producing high quality, optimized content that will generate organic traffic over time.

Both of these posts was quite successful in terms of engagement as each of them has a total of ~100 comments. That is by far the most engagement I've seen on my posts, with one or two exceptions, in a long period of time. This tells me different things, one of them is that I am capable of creating posts that is engaging and interesting, but more importantly, I take with me that people are interested in optimized content and organic traffic, in some way.

As I want to go further down this road, I am going to dive deeper into some of the aspects I talked about in one of the previous articles I mentioned. I will talk about keyword research and how you can take advantage of your current rankings, and what you can do to boost the traffic even further with some minor changes.

I talked about keyword research in my previous post about making captivating posts, and in case you don't want to read that one, I'll share a snippet out of it:

I have also used other variations of the keyword within my article. A variation like: "Best Interest Rate On Crypto" for instance, also has a low SEO difficulty and still a search volume of 50 per month.

This makes it possible for my article to rank for multiple keywords, which in turn leads to more traffic over time, due to the search volume from all of the different variations I have ranked.

I am talking about "Best Way To Earn Interest On Crypto", which is one of my previous posts, and other variations of the keyword such as: "Best Interest Rate On Crypto". I can generate traffic from multiple keywords, even though I have "focused on one", so to speak.

Let's take a look at one of my older articles that is generating traffic on a monthly basis to LeoFinance. I am talking about: "How Often Should You Buy And Sell Crypto?". I published that article 11 months ago.

If we look at the screenshot above, we can see "estimated monthly visits" : 16.

While 16 might not be that much, it's 16 visits monthly, for something I published almost one year ago. It's literally free traffic, which is extremely important in terms of growth. I won't go into that this time though, as I believe that you already know how important traffic is..

This is the next thing I can see though:

This page gets an estimated 16 visits a month from Google. Here are the keywords that generate those visits.

This basically means that I have 16 estimated visits per month for my keyword, but some other variations of my keyword generates traffic as well. This is important for various reasons, but the most important part is that:

  • I can generate more traffic with the same content.

"how often can you sell cryptocurrency" for instance, has a very low search volume of 10 per month, but my article that ranks on 4th position on Google for that search term, gets 2 visits out of those 10 searches.

This tells me that I can go back to my older publications and make necessary changes to generate more traffic over time, using the same content I published a year ago.

  • That is how powerful optimized content is.

The first step of taking advantage of something like this would be to simply go back to my article and search for these keywords, in case I don't remember using them or not. In this specific case, I never used the keyword "how often can you sell cryptocurrency" anywhere in my content, but I still generate traffic for that specific search term..

  • Awesome!

The next step is to simply include that keyword somewhere within the article, without taking away any other keywords that has already been ranked. It wouldn't do me any good at all replacing "How Often Should You Buy And Sell Crypto?" with "how often can you sell cryptocurrency" for instance, as the first is my main keyword. The second one is what I want to generate more traffic to over time.

That being said, if I ever published content related to this, for instance "How Often Can You Buy Or Sell Crypto On This-Or-That-Exchange", I would definitely include a link to the original article, as that would simply help to improve and strengthen the current rankings for it.

This is obviously explained in layman terms and there's a lot more to it than just these few things, but doing things like this, will benefit everyone in the long haul, because it's bound to generate traffic over time.

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2 years ago
Topics: Leofinance, Life, Original, Blog, Story, ...
