You have a secure job but are dissatisfied with your life.

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2 years ago
Topics: Work, Life, Happiness, Purpose, Investing, ...

Some people are unhappy because they do not have a job, while others have a job but are dissatisfied with their lives. Have you ever noticed these phenomena in your daily life? Do you ever wonder why even the most prosperous and employed people are dissatisfied with their lives?

The ambition of everyone is to have a solid career and financial security. In fact, everyone would feel like a failure if they were to become unemployed later in life. It's an envious sensation to witness one of your old classmates gain a job. There's a sense of disappointment when you don't achieve in a career you really want.

Everyone will inquire as to whether or not you have a job, but no one will inquire as to whether or not you are content.

This line slams on you like a ton of bricks. Everyone wants to know how far you've come in life, but no one wants to know if you're content.

Some people are living out other people's fantasies. They're receiving the promotions they want, they're getting the jobs they want, and they're the center of attention at work. But why are some people dissatisfied with their lives? What do they lack when they already possess what others lack? Some people are bad at their jobs, some are rejected, and some are dismissed. Is this because those who are prosperous and employed are dissatisfied? Some people said no. They are happy with their work. So, if some people are happy, why are others unhappy? Here are some of the reasons I believe some employed individuals are dissatisfied with their lives:

  • They do not live in a happy household.

Some people have amassed riches and houses but have been unable to raise a happy family. This made someone feel apprehensive and pessimistic about life in general. They feel abandoned, and they are subjected to societal pressures.

  • They're trapped in the same pattern.

Some people get sick of doing the same thing every day. They want to venture out and attempt new things that they have never done before in their life. Everyone would undoubtedly desire to watch a new and varied scenario if only working was a movie.

  • They work 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no time to socialize.

Some workaholics don't spend time socializing with others; instead, they prefer to start and end their days working, which might negatively impact our mental health.

  • They found their lives to be less meaningful.

Some people have discovered that they just have to labor till they die for the rest of their lives, leading them to believe that life is so brief. They believe that they were solely born to work and that their sole purpose in life is to work.

  • They feel enslaved by their never-ending duties.

Some people aspire to be free and live their life as they see fit. They feel as though they are imprisoned, unable to flee their duties. They have the impression that they are trapped in the same spot. They have the impression that they have no control over their lives.

What are your thoughts? Are you one of the many prosperous and employed people who is dissatisfied with life? If that's the case, you're not alone. Many people crave independence, significance, and transformation, among other things. One of the most important truths we cannot reject is that we will have to work for the rest of our lives. Our childhood years would be ruined if our parents and elementary school had told us about it sooner.

It's a lovely dream to have a steady and nice career where we can meet all of our wants. When you don't have a job, you're miserable. However, having a steady and good job does not guarantee happiness. In reality, some people leave their jobs, regardless of how well they are paid, because they want complete independence and meaning. They believe that our lives don't revolve just around work; we also need to feel alive, breathing, and living.

"You will always be dissatisfied if you live your life without a purpose, a vision, and a clear direction."

What was it that you were BORN to do?

15th of March, 2022

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2 years ago
Topics: Work, Life, Happiness, Purpose, Investing, ...
