Because I'm on BCH, I'm unconcerned.

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2 years ago

Many individuals are making concessions concerning the legitimacy of crypto at this moment. They no longer wish to continue, most likely because they have suffered losses or because they are unsure of what the future holds. I don't blame them for their pessimism; rather, I blame their portfolio selection or, to begin with, their ignorance.

Yes, since it was their ignorance that led them to choose the portfolio they do now. It was the same ignorance that prevented them from conducting proper study on the assets that make up their portfolio before to purchasing them. Maybe they got those coins while the market was booming. That is to say, they purchased them at the pinnacle of the market. Even while purchasing at the top is a terrible idea, it isn't the most serious issue. The actual issue with this group of people is their lack of trust in the coins they have received, which can be traced back to the ignorance I mentioned previously.

I recall acquiring a coin last year because of the social media buzz around it. SAFEMOON was the title. Safemoon was talked about on every crypto platform on social media at the time. The temptation was too strong for me to refuse. And if you look closely at the moment, it was performing a lot of magic, reaching x1000 in a short period of time. Many of us assumed things would stay the same, unaware that we were buying our way into the pockets of others. Many individuals were uninterested in enquiring about it or taking the time to see it move. It was the epitome of FOMO. Unlike many others, I didn't completely fall for it; instead, I opted to invest $10 to see how things turned out. That ten dollar bill is now worth less than one dollar. That's a loss of more than 90%. It's really terrible! Consider the persons who must have made significant financial investments. No one talks about it anymore; in fact, I recently checked my trust wallet and saw "old version" inscribed on the front. I'm still holding on to it, not because I expect anything good to come from it, but because its current value is irrelevant. The same thing happened with the doge coin, and a lot of people fell for it.

At a time when practically every cryptocurrency is experiencing a bear market, I've seen a lot of people panic and sell their whole portfolio at a loss because they don't know what will happen. Will the same thing happen to the currencies they are now HODLing as it did with safemoon and doge? I don't know the answer to that issue, but I'm sure it's the main source of concern for them. The fact is that if you don't have a basic understanding of the assets in your portfolio, you'll be terrified anytime the market falls. Because you don't know whether it'll come back. When you have trust in the coins you have because you know their future, a downturn becomes an opportunity to purchase more, and you sit in your living room with a glass of wine doing it'sip after sip' until the market recovers.

BCH is the currency with which you don't have to be concerned all of the time. BCH is the best choice for you if you want to invest without having to monitor the price of your assets every minute. There's no risk of losing all of your assets with BCH, as there is with other shitcoins. Whatever happens, I'm confident that BCH will not become extinct; rather, it will continue to grow stronger. I've discovered the peace of mind that a Crypto enthusiast deserves when I decided to make BCH the centerpiece of my portfolio. BCH isn't just a pump and dump operation. It is a helpful coin that more Crypto users are accepting, making it timeless and indestructible.

There is no panic selling in the Bitcoin Cash community because we are confident in what we believe and trust. We are very aware of our coin's future potential. We buy more when the price drops. We don't jump out when it pumps because we know it isn't the top yet. We utilize our coin for all types of transactions, as well as popularizing it and not simply waiting for it to burst.

BCH is a hot coin right now, and we're glad to be part of it. If you haven't already done so, hop on board and let's rock together!

$ 0.13
$ 0.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for heybodycrypto
2 years ago
