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Written by
3 years ago

A steppingstone as I understand it is a place where I can put my feet on so that I can go across if there is no bridge or a place where I can step on to get to a higher place. I am creating this account so that I can write about all the things that I learned about cryptocurrency without disturbing my niche.

I never did explore cryptocurrency as deep as anyone else does and I hope that I will not be writing the same thing that you can find in any other place on the internet. I will be sharing all my crypto experiences here with the hope that they might be able to guide other beginners in cryptocurrency in the easiest way.

Before digging more into cryptocurrency, let me tell you a story of my first encounter with cryptocurrency.

The first thing that a friend told me about cryptocurrency is, "You only need to write to earn money. You don't even need to pay for the registration".

That is when I first get into a blogging platform called Steemit around 3 years ago. I am in need of money at that time and I thought that it will be great to be able to earn with my writing. I thought that it is an easy way to earn money at that time and I directly went on and registered. There is a community that supported me at that time therefore it seems to be quite easy to earn. That community was just a steppingstone and so is that platform. I did not even realize that it is a crypto platform until the moment I want to cash out.

I feel like I am awakened from a nightmare. What is cryptocurrency? How do I use it to buy my groceries now that I do not even know how to cash it out. Luckily that friend helps me to cash out a few time while teaching me but I cannot get it. At the same moment, there was another friend that tried to cash out the same moment with me. We managed to sell our Ethereum(ETH) at that time but this friend miss out to release his ETH and was being called by the buyer and told that he will be reported to the police if he does not release his ETH immediately. Having a lack of knowledge I cannot help him at that time. Luckily I got a notification asking me to release my ETH and I am safe by that notification.

The first person who told us about the platform come to the rescue and my friend is safe.

Things that I learned that day.

Never do any transaction regarding cryptocurrency without any guidance from people that already use to it. There is more to cryptocurrency than just another way to get money.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @wakeupkitty
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Written by
3 years ago


To be honest I do not understand the part where you tell about cashing out ETH. The platform Steemit uses the crypto currency Steem.

I also do not understand the part about the police. Is or was cryptocurrency illegal where you live?

If it comes to cashing out this is what I learned: There are many ways but it depends on where you live what's possible and if you cannot do it yourself wait till you can. It's not smart to let someone else do it for you. It's like giving your credit card or pin code and debit card to a stranger.

Finances one should handle alone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago