As a writer, readers are an important asset. Without readers, everything that we wrote will not be increased in values. This is my own opinion though.
In my childhood, I can spend days reading books until I can reach it last chapters and know the ending. My weakness in reading is that I cannot focus on reading things that I have less interest in.
Reading is not hard but understands and being able to conclude what we read are. For that as a writer, we need to learn and respect our readers. In my opinion, a good read for sure can give decent comments which always exclude them from being detected as spam. Therefore, to avoid being put in the spam section we need to learn to be a good reader first.
The comment will not always be an appraisal, it can also be a critique. It is up to us the writer to learn to be open-minded and respond positively to each comment given. Let the appraisal give us confidence and let the critique becomes the road to improve our writing.
The road might not always be an empty street. It could be a road that is full of people and any other obstacles that are not easy to go through.
If we are not yet being able to be a good writer, read more and learn from the other writer.
What is it that they do that we did not do to be able to achieve success in writing one article?
All of these is only simple guidelines to start a journey as a writer.
I believe this can be applied to any other writing platform too. This will be the last article to beginner #1 - #6.
This is written based on my personal opinion and experiences only. Therefore it is not the sole guidelines for the platform. I just hope that if newbies can read through all of this including #1 - #5, they can have an easier route than the one we took.