Orchid is a beautiful flower in the realm of flowers.it's scientific name is orchidaceae.Its reputation is world class. In the world of flowering plants, the orchid is a large family of about 900 species and more than 30,000 species. Attractive color, different textures, aromas, medicinal properties, long durability are the special features. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, amazed at the variety of orchid flowers, called it the "best flower." The philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Theophrastus affectionately named this flower Orchis.
Over time, the name has evolved into orchids. The spread of the situation does not lead to the growth of orchids. That is not located in one place in such an original position.Orchids are found in the Ghasia Hills in the eastern part of the Himalayas, in the hilly areas north of Sylhet District in Bangladesh, in Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, Mexico, South America and in the tropics of Australia. This flower is a member of the Orchidaceae family.
It is most used as a cut flower as it stays alive in the vase for a long time. In addition, the small size of the tree also enhances the decoration.
In the world of flowering plants, the orchid is a large family of about 900 species