That difference is just thought
There was a Samucha Wala in Delhi and there was an office of a big company in front of his shop. One day a manager went to eat samucha in the shop. He asked Samucha Wala about 2 Samuchas that you have decorated the shop very nicely, the systems are good, good administration, then it would not be good to do a job like mine with such beautiful planning, you are not wasting time by selling this Samucha?
চা Samucha Wala said with a smile - Sir, my work is much better than yours. 10 years ago today I used to sell samucha in baskets. Then my income was 1000 / month and your salary was 10 thousand. Today, after 10 years, my income is 50000 / thousand and in some months more than 50000 / thousand and now your salary is 50000 / thousand. So my job is not better than yours?
পরে My son will see this business of mine after me. He will get a sorted business but will your son or daughter get a position like yours? I started from 0 but my son and daughter will not start from 0. The boys and girls of the working class have to start from 0. You can't put your son or daughter in your position even if you want to. Some of your sons and daughters will have to go through the same ordeal that you did 10 years ago. It is my responsibility to fix the future of my sons and daughters and I have done what you cannot do.
The man heard the words and paid the bill of 50 rupees and left. Entrepreneurs are born with hard work behind which there are strong decisions, plans and hard work.
Oww nice articl.. This article is so good. That is educational story..