Every Individual is a Slave of the System

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3 years ago

It's like a bit too ambitious title. But if somebody said to me what I will write in a single sentence, I think I would say that. Yes, every individual is a slave of the system. Even day by day, he becomes a slave who does not question, do not think, do not understand.

I have been aware of something lately. Reading a book, I unearth the pile of thoughts that I cannot find time to think somewhere in me and always face an obstacle when I want to think. I'm still digging that pile up. If God permits, I will read more for the rest of my life and go to the bottom of that pile.

One of the biggest idiots I have ever done in my life is to start reading a book late. And I can confidently say that not reading is the greatest foolishness. The slaves the system is looking for are these foolish people. When we take a look around us, it is obvious how many people can acquire this habit. In fact, it would be more correct to call it a necessity rather than a habit.

I don't think you would say yes to this question. So what is the reason for this? I think our understanding of education is the first. At a younger age, we fill the brains of our children with all the unnecessary information so that there is no room for the necessary. Especially in schools, this action is done systematically. I claim that we never use many of the information we learned until college in our lives.

For example, I am very curious about when and where the knowledge that the atomic number I learned in high school chemistry class is equal to the number of protons and nucleus charge, except for the 3-hour exam, will be useful for me. And I see this information while studying in the IT department in high school. You think I'm being trained to smash the atom, you go give this information to those who need this information so it won't take up space on my brain. After dozens of memorization and unnecessary information fill students' brains, students become unable to think properly. After graduating from university, they see that they are unemployed.

Man fills his brain with so much unnecessary information that he loses his motivation to question. Instead of questions such as why I live, what is my purpose in living, who created me, who is leading me, one of the fundamental questions of human existence, he asks whether the total moment of forces equals the algebraic sum of the individual moments of forces. The system already wants this. One should not question it, let it stall with what I present to him.

Let's learn chemistry and physics, but let the people in the field learn about them. To what extent it is necessary to think correctly to teach chemistry to someone who does not have a desire, ability or does not want to learn it. It would translate my visual feelings here. Isn't it funny to tell a fish to climb a tree? But this is what has been done in our country for years.

Let's talk about the system's enslavement of people. Actually, I have mentioned a little above, but it is useful to stay a little too long on this bet. The system tells us that you will only think about what I want, question only what I want, and live as I want.

Man is doomed to be a slave, after losing his motivation to question. This is the case in every field. For example, look at politics, if the leader of the party to which a person is a party said something, it is true if he said something, it is said that he knows something. Well, just think about it, let's see if it's true. Compare it in your own way. But no, if he said it is true.

The system injects modernism and popular culture into the veins of society, and it does so ceaselessly. As such, there is a wasteful society that obeys. A new phone has come out, I should buy it immediately, Fatmas bought new sofa sets, let's buy them too, whether we should renovate the house. The system always orders us to look at the top. There is no underdog. We always compare ourselves to those above us. This time we do not know how to be thankful.

This system made us forget about death. We live like we will not die. How many of us remember death once a day? But how much money will come at the end of the month, we never forget what TV series will be on TV tomorrow.

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3 years ago
