Photo description

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Avatar for harry20
2 years ago

Hello everyone, nice too meet you. I am cleaner, today I'll describe about this photo. Please everyone see the photo.

Actually, I can see many things in the picture. Such as trees, houses, ground path, river, boat, ducks and flowers.

First of all, I can see coconut trees and wood trees. The both trees are beneficial for us. Causes, coconut trees are give us fruits and this fruits is very tasty. Anyway, the wood trees are to give us wood, as a result, we are made furniture and get firewood.

Secondly, I can see some houses and two ground paths. The people of the village need paths to move, and you need a house to live in. The house is made by muddy and straw. Before, everywhere was like that house. But the world has developed, so don't see any old house. However, many ground paths have in the village. If you come village, then you can see ground path. So, ground path is tradition for village people.

Then, I can see a river. The river is very beautiful to look at, and it's very beneficial for us. Our country is riverine, may have been 64 available rivers in our country. Most of the people dependent on the river, causes the fisherman to make a living by fishing in the river.

Again, I can see a boat. People cross the river by boat. The boat is useful vehicle for the river. The boat is valuable for the river site area man.

Finally, I can see water lily flowers and two ducks. The flowers and ducks are beautiful to look at. The water lily is national flowers in our country and ducks are a domesticated animal bird in our village. The water lily flowers are growing into the water. The village people are keep ducks in their house.

Actually, in the picture, it is said that about the village. Everything in the village is highlighted in the pictures. Everyone will understand about the village after seeing this picture.

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Avatar for harry20
2 years ago


The first thing that come up to my mind when I saw the art is Peace. I love to live in place like this❤️

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2 years ago