Once upon a time, there was a glutton in a village. And, he just ate and walked, but did nothing. One day, the mother of that glutton told him not to feed you from today. His mother said, "You will earn money and buy food yourself." Then, come to my house.
Next, the greedy man leaves the house. He got tired of walking all day on the village streets, but he didn't get any food. However, all of a sudden, he saw a mango fall from a mango tree in front of him. Then, he steals all the mangoes from that tree and eats them.
But after that, he didn't get any more food. After, he made up his mind that, he would steal and procure food. He would go to the grocery store and deceive people into eating. After, walking like this for a few days, everyone went to the village headman and then the village headman appointed a doorman for all the store in the village. Since then, the glutton has stopped shoplifting.
However, the man targeted a banana seller. A banana seller takes bananas every day, but on the way he steals a banana stick, tying a stone sack in place of the banana. After, a few days like this, the banana seller gets confused. Then, he figured he'd take a crow's egg instead of a banana. And, just like the day before, the greedy thief takes the egg, and then the crow comes and starts beating the thief.
Then, the thief started screaming. Next, the banana seller catches the greedy thief and takes him to the village headman. Then, the village doorman beat the thief a lot and drove him out of the village.
From this story, we learned that, we would earn money by working hard and buy food with that money. Stealing is a bad thing, so we will refrain from stealing.