On Beauty
Beauty is about wellness of mind, body and soul. Being beautiful inside and out I believe is one great factor to earn the admiration of many. For looks is deceiving and disgusting. It is superficial, shallow and only skin deep.
Beauty on the physical aspect fades over time. There is more to the person than just what meets the eye. Like the perceptions and outlooks in life, believes and perspectives among others. Character and personality.
Let me share to you these definitions of personality which I had read from a book many years ago and it says:
"Personality is the sum total of a persons good qualities and characteristics. It is character expressing itself in words and actions. Your habit, your way of talking and smiling, your walk and your work. These and many other small things tied together makes your personality. To make an appealing personality requires: a good amount of kindness, courtesy and tact, a certain amount of attractiveness and pep in walking and talking, a clean heart and over it a clean body and clean clothes, will power, self-control, ability to take criticisms, honesty, simplicity and kindness. All these mixed with charity makes of you a loved girl and a charming personality."
Indeed, it's the beauty of the soul that keeps on shining through.
Really interesting topics yang. You really have a deeper understanding on this topics especially you have studied human behavior plus experiences.