How you do it?

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2 years ago

I think we were all in awe, perhaps aloud, wondering how everyone could fit like him. While we're still thinking about the dinner menu, they go to the gym, run a grocery store, make some important phone calls, volunteer with a local charity, and be important. I may have worked.

How do you do that?

Organizing is the key to getting things done. Without organization, things can get too random and tasks come and go with little focus or planning. Lists can be sorted by urgency because they are an efficient way to introduce order and method.

Some things are too big or too complicated to do everything at once. It may require input or contribution from a third party. Therefore, efficiency means communicating things quickly so that everyone can play their part. Monitor what is happening and where the individual tasks are.

A delegation is a valuable tool in a busy life. Claiming to be worthwhile and doing everything yourself may seem like an important position to protect, but you don't have to be jealous of everything. Let others help you, share stories, and come up with new and better ideas. It motivates everyone when they are part of a team.

Don't wait until everything is perfect before you start. You don't have to practice every possible scenario or situation in advance. In many cases, once you get started, things get well organized. Unless it's important to follow very specific criteria, be flexible in your thinking, embrace the different possibilities and enjoy where it goes.

times. Some social arrangements may be able to be combined under normal circumstances. Eating out, watching shows and concerts, and playing with friends can help you get the most out of your time and create a party-like atmosphere. Business networking, combined with golf games, connects two areas of life, such as sports and hobbies, with family and friends.

Hire help. Certain routine or routine tasks such as ironing, cleaning, and gardening are worth outsourcing. It may be worth the good money to spend your time doing other things. Similarly, non-disciplinary tasks are better done by someone else than spending hours on accounts, administrators, or design work.

Learn how to say "no" correctly. When we work for ourselves, or when we are new to the place, or when we are eager to adapt and be accepted, we may want to say "yes" and agree with everything. Sometimes we need to make sure we are already working on it. Or you can tatter yourself and try to handle everything.

Take regular breaks to recharge the battery. A 20-minute break gives you plenty of time to get healthy snacks, drinks, and fresh air to get out. Often, people find themselves returning to work with a clearer mind and a new enthusiasm for the work at hand.

Don't forget to acknowledge your success. Instead of processing the list systematically, pause to evaluate each stage of the journey and complete each task.

And sometimes it may be appropriate to ask yourself why you do so much and why you are so tired of your time. Some people are always busy because they need to control themselves and hesitate to give work to others. Defects and defects.

FOMO, the fear of missing something, having to prove something, being essential, not wanting to let go of the bridle, and filling with meaningful activity every second puts their own stress on them. May cause.

However, there are people who want to try all of the menus and can't wait to try all the options offered. I don't want to diminish my enthusiasm, but it's also important to take the time to rest, have fun, rehearse, and make the best decisions. Enjoy one thing at a time. You can always go back to another day and try another delicacy.

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2 years ago
