A letter written with the ink of rebellion

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I'm sick, sick of you lecturing me about my life choices, infecting my soul with all of your endless speeches to make me a copy of you, to follow your steps to what you think where salvation locates. You are catching my hands, dragging me to take the same path as you, not caring about my knees getting skinned on the asphalt refusing to move with you...I don't care where you are taking me or what is the end of your chosen road, because the destination is well known to me: A huge abyss where i can't even see the bottom, where i can only hear the shattered screams of my mind asking for freedom. Years after years of free falling, and there is still no sign of an end to this misery.... Your choice was to never let me choose for myself, you decided and planned everything in my life without even asking for permission, maybe you didn't know or probably didn't care. You took my place and played my cards instead of me. And when you lost, you just put the blame on me, laughed sarcastically in my face and left to watch me drowning in your deep swamp of disappointment.

You made me lose everything but one thing. You couldn't, and will never, take my true self from me; and now, i'm playing the only card i still have, the only card you forgot to burn: The rebel card. From now on, your frightening looks threatening me during your "preaching" won't matter anymore, you can do what you like with your life, and i will just be free. I will rise from that abyss you pushed me into, rise from the ashes of my burned dreams, like the legendary Phoenix who will change the darkness to a bright light with his blazing wings..

This is me, the real me, i will never pretend to be someone else, i don't want to be someone else! And as you can tell now, i can't change myself to be suitable to you. I simply don't care about it because definitely i wasn't born to do that... I accepted you and everyone else the way you are, but i won't imitate anyone. This is my belief in this life. I'm not perfect, i know that, but i am trying to improve and be the best possible version of me, not the version you want to see. I'm learning lessons from life, lessons which looks more like a teacher, forging my skills. This is my way to live, walking on my road with my own will. It's not easy to be independent, but i rather go alone toward my goal than spending the years i have achieving another person's goal. That's my purpose in life, i have faith in myself and a heart of a lion inside to let me get what i want and fight for it.

That's me, and i can only be grateful for what i am...

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Be yourself... Most importantly be happy with yourself be proud for yourself.....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's the main point. You are what you are. Not what anyone else want you to be. Thanks for reading :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is really, really good @hamedbkh. This shows true literary talent. Very well used language, strong build-up of the feeling you expresses - and a situation I think many recognize. Well done!

And so the criticism :) Nothing is ever so good that it cannot be improved.

Perhaps the paragraphs still feel a bit long, especially the first one. It's something you need to think of when you write, you have a tendency to let them grow too long.

Then two small things to think of. The English word "I" must always be capitalised. And (...) are to be followed by a space (you have missed that in one place) and it must never become four dots (....), which you also have in one place. Trifles, yes, but it looks better if it is right. It doesn't change, though, that this piece is very good.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you!! Well at least there are not many mistakes this time. I tried my best regardless of the fact that my health isn't helping me much with focusing on this kind of mistakes now. I really appreciate your criticism actually. and it's a shame that this didn't bring any tips lol. Anyway, Thanks for your time correcting me! and thanks for reading too! :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are doing well. The mistakes will disappear with a little more practice, and you have indisputable talent. Sorry to hear about your bad health. I hope it is something that will pass over. Good recovery!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thank you very much for your kind words! I will try my best to improve more. much appreciated :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Perhaps the paragraphs still feel a bit long, especially the first one. It's something you need to think of when you write, you have a tendency to let them grow too long.

I don't agree with this. It's a strong text, it deserves space, and freedom of expression. When you start taking burdens from life out it's difficult to stop, and hamedbkh in the text makes an excellent job at it, managing that.
I even see the small 'i' as a metaphor of feeling small in that environment. I think it fits well.

This is really, really good @hamedbkh. This shows true literary talent. Very well used language, strong build-up of the feeling you expresses - and a situation I think many recognize. Well done!

I totally agree with your first paragraph though.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very very much for the kind words and the tip! I'm trying my best with that. I tried to make this express the feelings as much as possible without making the paragraphs very long and that's what i got. I honestly feel happy to know that people love this and trying to correct the mistakes and giving me their openions! I really appreciate it! Again thanks for reading and for the tip and you are welcome to read some of my similar articles. Have a nice day!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

[Removed comment]

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I like you for being yourself and never pretended to be someone else. Very narrative and interesting.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thank you for your kind words! much appreciated! happy that you liked this ;D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your reply is highly appreciated. I am encouraged to read more articles from you soon. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you!! i would really appreciate that! subscribe for more if you want to :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Everyone should walk on their own path. That is the gift of will. No need to blame others. Forgive them. Just walk. Walk by your own foot.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

that's very correct. and that's basically the point from writing this. thanks for reading!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A very passionate and expressive self piece of writing. Sounds like a few issues to work thru there.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

your criticism is very welcome and appreciated! thanks for reading!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The bottomless pit of rebellion, it's so consuming that it can make you do the in imaginable... I dread the thought of this

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm not sure that i got your point. Can you explain it more please?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

One of the best articles I read here so far. For sure this will be an eye-opener to many and hopefully a relief.

"i can't change myself to be suitable to you. I simply don't care about it because definitely i wasn't born to do that.." Is a very strong point!

I recognize a lot and daily I am grateful I gave up on pretending. 👍💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Pretending means that you have to wear a mask to hide your real self instead of showing everyone who you are. So nothing comes from that but sadness and depression. Happy to know that you gave up on pretending. Thank you for your nice comment. Gald to know that you loved this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What a very powerful article. We are born for ourselves, for our own dream, with our own passions. Using the Phoenix as an example added strength to this. 👍👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I tried my best. Thank you for reading. I'm really happy that you liked this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago