Dating Japanese girls and gaijin hunters

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3 years ago
Topics: Blog

I have lived in Japan for a long time now. So I managed to get plenty of experience dating Women here.

Once the boarders open up again I am sure we will have many guys running over here. So I want to give you noobies the heads up.

As a Non Japanese person AKA Gaijin many of the girls you will meet will be what we call "gaijin hunters".

These people are bad because they don't like you. They only care you speak English and look different.

To be frank they are just using you as a Passport or as a free language teacher. Many don't fit it Japan based on how they look and act. Or they have romanticized the west.

You cant count on them for anything, they wont have your back. Also they will cheat the first chance they get.

How to spot a Gaijin hunter.

1 Speaks English very well- English is very hard to learn for Japanese and vise Vera. Most of the women that put in the time and effort into it are very motivated. You can tell they have been with many white guys if they use a lot of causal English you would never see in a English text book.

2 Travels a lot- This is a big red flag for those girls that want out. You should avoid at all cost if you are trying to move to Japan long term. They will push you out if you get into any relationship with them. I have met so many girls at International bars that would tell me how many guys thy banged on working holiday in Canada or wherever and want to go back forever wink wink

3 Doesn't like anything Japanese- If you move to Japan chances are you like Japanese media and food ect. Many times when I meet a gaijin hunter I tell them about the Japanese music I like they just say " I only listen to English music" or Tv shows ect.

4 Where you meet them- One major red flag for a gaijin hunter would be the location. If you met them online on an app like tinder is their profile all written in English? I found 90% of my matches on the app were girls that could speak English even when my profile was written in Japanese. International bars same story most of the girls you try to put up there already slept with many other white guys.

How to avoid them.

best way to do it is to learn some Japanese and stay away from any place, app, event ect that many foreigners use.

Meet women in everyday life just like a normal Japanese person. Its harder to meet girls this way but you are meeting much better quality women here. Put the effort in it pays of well in the long run.

Ask them about their dating history. Its one of the first things I asked a Japanese girl when I meet them. Japan is 98% Japanese so if you find out she's had like 3 foreign boyfriends its not a coincidence. Some girls will just to avoid the question if they do that its because they feel ashamed. Avoid these girls because they likely slept around.


Many guys that come here for a short time will feel like a chad because he scored with some chick he met on tinder. But girls like that are almost always low quality by Japanese standards. If you just want to sleep with anything than god bless. But You can and should do better.

Girls I dated early on are a great example.

First girl we dated for like 2 weeks and I found her facebook. it said in relationship with another foreign guy.

Girl 2 hooked up with some British guy despite the fact we were dating. She met him on hellotalk app.

girl 3 left me because I wanted to live in japan and she married some dude from the uk 2 years later. she moved to the UK had a kid and would not even register her kid in Japan because she wont go back.

I took the time to write this so maybe I can save maybe one guy from pain and heartbreak. If I helped it was all worth it.

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3 years ago
Topics: Blog
