Being Medium, television marketing or reality?

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When a person possesses certain paranormal faculties, and perceives extrasensory situations, we say that he or she can be a clairvoyant, medium or sorcerer. They claim to be mediators who manage to communicate with the dead, see the past, predict the future and fix your present.

  • Mostly, these clairvoyants assure that they come to help you in some situation. Although for the skeptics they are liars trying to take money from the most vulnerable people.

For me! The issue of vulnerable people is the most delicate in this matter. I have seen desperate people due to some situation that gets out of control such as: illnesses, kidnapping, infidelity, economic crisis or the unexpected death of a loved one; to mention a few; and that's when some clairvoyant liars appear.


In the same way, there are people addicted to this environment of clairvoyance and witchcraft, who although they do not have any faculty in this regard, they love it. So much! that every situation in his life is related to something paranormal. And they run to the feet of any witcher for an answer.

 I think that this attitude, of wanting to solve everything through that medium, only confuses you more, and your paths go awry in a way, which you can later regret. Only God is able to guide you towards the right thing.

While it is true, there are some practices such as constellations, with which you can understand facts about your ancestors and how that past affects you today. I do not believe that a clairvoyant possesses such a powerful faculty as to see the past, present and future; and then solve your problems.

 Even though I like TV shows from mediums, I wonder if it's real or just sales strategies, that's why I've tried to read a lot about those topics, and about mentalists. But when I read about Tyler Henry , who seems like a very nice person to me, I found that, this type of reality show they consider a scam, and their mediums call it *vampires of suffering*.

In addition, they accuse them of using the deceptive technique of cold reading and hot reading, that is, previously investigating the lives of their possible patients (cold reading), at the same time that during the consultation they only use phrases or common questions according to age; so your patient completes the story (hot read). They ensure that these programs are edited, and thus make them more emotional in front of the audience!.

Honestly, I like these programs!, perhaps because they create a certain illusion in the viewer that a Being is capable of helping others through their faculties, without much effort. But this series of criticisms from skeptics make me reflect on the attitude of both parties.

 Me! Although I have seen, lived and felt some paranormal events; I wonder then, are we all endowed with psychic faculties with which we can have extrasensory perception?

 Many meditation exercises used in metaphysics, take you to a state of relaxation, in which you can see the aura of another Being. Even those who study Angeology, which is a subject that I am passionate about, they can predict some important things through their concentration level.


 On the other hand, I think that when a person is very believing or religious, According to their God; By praying or praying with faith, your soul is purified, which then allows you to connect with others through your purified energy.

 I know some ladies who cannot fall asleep at dawn, and use the reading of the Bible as an alternative to calm some anxiety. Me! Although I am not a reader of the Bible, I think that the decision to read it while desperate situations occur, is like fasting and purifying yourself.

 When the energies of many believers are concentrated in faith for the same end, something good must arise; Maybe! Therefore, praying together for the same cause generates miracles.

 My paranormal experiences have been many, although today I see them normal, considering that I am energy that lives in a body.

 Most have been premonitory dreams, to call them somehow. Hugs and conversations with people I do not know yet, Travel while I sleep to unknown places or houses. And then everything happens, I get to know them, and I visit those places and houses that I saw in my dreams. They are almost always going to be important or transcendent people in my life. Although regularly, I forget those dreams, and just memories! in the moment that I am living them.

 I don't know if you believe my story, but on another occasion I will tell you some of my premonitory dreams ... What I can tell you is that, I have no explanation for it.

 Maybe some refuse and others accept; some feel like bodies with organs; other energy and body.

 My concern about mediums is basically because I think we all have that power. I think that like this, as our neurons maintain active energy, our soul also possesses it. Perhaps we all have that power to predict events, we just don't develop it.


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