Have you ever wondered what kind of a person someone is behind every article that they write and publish here on read.cash? I always have this kind of thought whenever I encounter a writer here whom I don’t personally know. I wonder what their pronouns are, and the personalities they have behind their screens. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have much of encounters or conversations with many writers here, in over almost a year of me in this platform. Some of you may be wondering why. It also reflects on my subscriber count, as I only have less than 20. Truth is, it’s not like I don’t want to have friends here nor I don’t want to have as much interactions because I’m trying to be mysterious or something. To be very honest, I don’t know how to properly handle a conversation with someone I don’t know personally. It’s hard for me to comment something about their article even if I really liked it; I just tend to like the article itself. It’s more like I don’t know what to say apart from what’s on my mind like “hey, your article is so good” or “I love the plot of your story”, etc. And I am afraid they might see it as spam or something. Also because I am a busy person, I am busy with my studies so I don't have many time to open my read.cash account. I always envy those people who comment long stuff about someone’s article, saying they can relate to it at some point, anything. But don’t judge me too early, please. I’ve tried, I’ve tried to have as much interactions, I tried commenting relevant stuff on other people’s articles, and what I feel and think about it, but it turned out bad at my point of view.
Months ago, I was still a newbie and I really loved this particular article of an author here and then I commented how I interpreted their story and what I liked about it; I told them that I learned a lesson from their article and they replied something that offended me. It was something like “Really? And what did you learned about my article/ How did you learned that from my article?”. Those were not the exact words they said but it was as if they were asking me what I have learned from it when I wasn’t supposed to. True enough, their story was a fiction but aren’t they happy I got something from it? And that hurt me as a reader and as an author. When we write something, we should be open to the fact that the readers might have their own interpretation of our story based on their point of view. I can say that because that’s the first thing I learned here on read.cash: that others might form their own interpretation of what you publish here even if it’s different to what you’re really trying to convey. Because first, most of us don’t know each other personally. Second, we’re from different countries, with different beliefs and culture. Third, we have different languages. And fourth, we see things differently because our minds work uniquely.
So, who am I? I am just someone who likes to write, who expresses herself through writing. And I am someone in need of money at the same time, because I have some things to fund on. I believe we all share the same reasons, that’s why we’re all here. I hope we try to be more kind to one another because we’re all just the same. Some just really had it better: better articles or more subscribers, but that doesn't mean you are less of a person than them. Same goes for people who have lots of subscribers here who may tend to, at some point, belittle others who have less (i don't know anyone so far, but still, just a little reminder), you are not a better person just because you have more. At the end of the day, we only know everyone in front of a screen, and that's not even a portion of their lives.
Good morning! :)
Thank you for reading, continue writing!
I also ask that question, all of us do haha. Well, I think you will know the author of the post in her articles alone. what she likes, her opinion, experience. lots of writers write that in their works. So I could see users with the same interest as I do. Indeed, have a good day.