The world we live in:

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3 years ago

Men will claim they want real women. They will say they don't like a woman that is unreal. They will mock at the idea of a woman wearing hip boosters and fake lashes. But in reality, the "good sisters" remain unmarried. Because given a "well enhanced woman" vs a "well endowed" woman, we still go for the enhancements. And then we will spend the rest of our adult lives complaining about how materialistic women can be on social platforms like mainstream media, where this is clearly an issue of decisions and preferences. So now even our Christian sisters gradually adapt to "survive" the competition. And when they do, we judge them and speak ill about ladies in the faith. But in secret when they adapt, we marry them!

We live in a world where women will claim they want a man who will love them and care for them as Christ loves the church. But the reality is that the "good brothers" remain unmarried on the altars. Women will adapt phrases like.. "It is better to cry in a prado than laugh in a shanty". So now Christian men abandon the Christ like love to make money. It appears to be the only way to get a beautiful wife. Unfortunately, man looses his love for his wife. And the wife is only submissive for as long ad there is money.

We live in a world where everyone will claim they want some good music which builds our spirits and carries a message. But where good music will remain unheard for years and a good song takes years to hit. But where many of our mainstream media stations are full of requests asking for songs with catchy beats but not really saying much. So the "good Christian artists" are pressured to begin releasing the "shallow" songs with good catchy beats to survive. And when they do, we judge them.

We live in a world where we claim to hate controversy. But where controversy seems to work to gain popularity. If it did not work, no one would use it. We live in a world where it is believed that all publicity is good publicity.

If we did not ask so much to have the shallow songs played, no one would play them.

If we did not pay attention to a lady when she overdoes enhancements, they would have to change.

If the ladies not soo materialistic, maybe the men would not feel too much pressure to become rich and brutal.

We carry the power to change our generation by changing ourselves. And it begins with knowing ourselves, what we like and want, what the word of God says about it and being firm about our decisions.

We have the power to change the culture where we say we want one thing but ask for another.

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3 years ago
