I don't know how to explain or speak of spirit. Lately I've been listening to people talk about ethereal shapes, about the spirits that appear around those people whom they were close in life.
I have many opinions about how they, our loved ones, communicate with us.
Many strange things happen in our lives that we cannot explain. Sometimes we feel the presence of something... that does not disturb us in the least. That feeling of having a close presence, we feel it as if it is someone we knew. But we can't feel who it is.
I like to think that when I feel presences in the place where I am, that presence can be my mother or my brother. My mother was my dearest person and my younger brother was a very special person in my life. In fact, when my younger brother died so intently I felt that I still had things to say to him. I would like to think that if I talk to him he listens to me. But how do you know who exactly is this presence? It's not possible. I will only find out when we meet again.
Not that I think those people who claim to speak to spirits are all charlatans. It may be that they actually speak with spirits, but I will never be sure if it is actually the spirit of my family member or anyone else who, as we do not see it, pretends to be my family member.
I don't think that in these times I would go to see one of these people to tell me about my deceased relatives nor am I sure that when I feel a spiritual presence nearby, at home, it may or may not actually be a relative of mine.
I can only say that on many occasions that I have felt spiritual presences around me that do not scare me, I usually believe, for my emotional tranquility, that that feeling of reassuring presence is from a family member dear to me. But in the same way, I pray, this is to give peace of mind to my life and to the spiritual form that somehow may need it.
On the contrary, when I have the feeling that there is something close to me that disturbs me, I usually think then that it is something negative for me. Then I resort to prayer more strongly, so that that disturbing feeling that bothers me stops doing it. I want to say that with prayer I can regain my peace of mind.
But after having said all of the above I can also say that nothing I have felt is actually spiritual presences. It may be that only I wanted to think that they were and they were just sensations inexplicable by me and I wanted to put them together in an easy way of thinking.
We are surrounded by so many things, sensations, feelings, beliefs and all that manipulates our way of seeing life. We must have an open mind to understand at any time and give our best explanation to the strange situations that accompany us.