I was in my garden, after being several weeks without seeing my plants, and I came across several pleasant surprises.
There is a hot pepper plant! Several chili peppers are growing, they are long, thin and green. The plant still has flowers waiting to open, that means that I will have a lot of peppers for my family's dinner this Christmas.
I am also surprised by this paprika plant. Only one of them is growing but it has several flowers as well so I topped it up with plenty of organic compost.
And this broad bean plant also has two pods, they are small but they have the conditions to continue their development.
This cactus is currently in bloom and now it has this beautiful purple flower and an accompanying button. It's the first time that it blooms in this pot!
The kalanchoes flower plume has fully blossomed. These are all the surprises that I could get today in my garden and they have given me a lot of joy.