From my consumption of liquor.

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2 years ago

I have been reading many articles about people who like to consume alcoholic beverages.

I can tell you that I was never a lover of alcoholic beverages but then you grow up and end up going to places with friends where everyone consumes alcohol and you end up trying to please your friends.

When I was a teenager in my house the only one who could drink liquor was my father. In fact, he would do it on the weekends and he usually came home very intoxicated I didn't like this part of my life but I have to accept it.

I barely tasted wine at some point, my mother didn’t drink liquor because she would get intoxicated very quickly and the same happened with me.

By intoxicated I mean that when she took a sip of wine she would immediately turn red in the face and get dizzy, she would immediately stop drinking wine and for many months.

I ended up inheriting her allergy to liquor. By drinking small amounts of this liquid my face goes from a pale white to red like a tomato, red spots take over the rest of my body and my chest, arms and legs which are the most visible. Everything gets marked with red. I look like a map highlighting places, and the headache is never messing.

But this didn’t stop me from having some wine from time to time. I remember one time when I was celebrating in the hospital with my colleagues, it was the birthday of one of them. I tried two sips of wine and immediately, when they saw my face and arms, everyone wanted to send me to the emergency room to administer an anti-allergen and put me on an intravenous hydration, they were just afraid of my allergy. To which I proceeded to explain that just drinking some water and waiting for 30 minutes would make all my signs of intoxication disappear.

If on the contrary, I continue with the liquor intake my face turns completely red along with my chest and arms and my headache becomes unbearable and body weakness overcomes me and I cannot do many physical activities.

This has been happening all my life and that is how I never learned to be a good liquor drinker.

From unsplash

On one occasion during December 26 and I was on night duty as a nurse, I was with two friends during the day, but this time drinking brandy and this ended up being worse than wine.

I had a few drinks and then everything went dark. I remember I had to throw back all the contents of my stomach and then my two friends took off my clothes and got me get under the water. After I got out of the cold water bath they had made some black coffee for me… According to people, they say that this habit of drinking black coffee takes away the intoxication from any liquor intake.

Then, after dressing me in my beautiful white uniform, they took me to the hospital and they dropped me off there. They didn't let me drive, so they would pick me up in the morning to get my car.

Once I got over the discomfort of my bad liquor intake, I started working with my patients, who were not many. They were all newborn babies from the delivery room but the work was distributed among the three people on duty. So we soon finished bathing the newborn babies, feeding them their milk formulas and then taking out their gases so they could go to sleep.

They were like clockwork because within two hours they were crying again for their bottles… And so I spent my night watch. In the morning I was sleepless and as if I had never had anything to drink, my alcohol intoxication is short-lived but it scares the hell out of other people.

So I have never been able to consume alcohol like the experts do. I also remember when I was in college that my friends bet me that by the time I graduated from college they would have taught me how to ingest liquor without harm.

According to them, they would take care of me so that no one would take advantage of my state when I drank liquor.

They lost the battle with me, they could never get rid of my bad habits and to this day even though I can consume more than two drinks of wine. It still sets my body on fire when I drink a little liquor.

I must say that what I like to drink is wine and cocktails, I’m not really good with any other drinks and I don't really have a very strong habit of consuming these drinks.

As I pointed out at the beginning I am making this post because I read many others related to it. I don't really know whose idea this topic was. If someone knows them, please let me know so I can mention it, thank you very much my friends.

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2 years ago


I really heard that some people really have an alcohol allergy. In fact, I know a lot of them. However, that doesn't stop them from drinking and eventually, the allergy just vanished.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Well, I'm still waiting for my allergy to go away. Hopefully before I turn 80 it will happen so I can drink my wine in peace without lighting myself on fire inside. lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A plain and dark coffee reduces the alcohol content in the body. Here, the drunks are first given black coffee. Alcohol is not a good thing, you should not go too far on allergies.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for the information and for your recommendation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ehh, so liquor can trigger allerg8? I only heard that now. As dor me, I don't really drink. I don't know I just don't feel like drinking.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's not what I meant. What I am saying is that I am allergic to it. It is genetically possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my! Sorry to hear what happened because of your allergies. Well, glad that I don't have that one.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes of course, it's good that you don't have allergies to liquor. You can consume liquor at ease. lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here haha.. Just a small shot of liquor set my body on fire... Until now, I'm still a moderate drinker and 1-2 shots are fine..

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You don't consume much liquor, either. Then we won't be able to celebrate with liquor but with juices. lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that allergy is bad. And you have every right to abstain from taking alcoholic beverages no matter how much cajoling or assurances anyone gives you. I easily get tipsy, too. But like you, I learned to just drink several glasses of water and pee to clear my head. Still, because I don't like the feeling of being drowsy while in the company of others, I mostly stay away from alcohol, especially outside of my home.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is the best. Always take care of yourself, it's better that than waiting for others to do it. We don't know when they fall asleep and stop taking care of us. lol.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is so true!!! hahaha. Good day and be safe always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello my dear friend, a pleasure to greet you, what an interesting article you write, without a doubt I don't like liquor either, it is a drink that always escaped respect for everyone who takes it, but nevertheless I do not share that taste and I understand what happens to you. everyone is suitable to drink liquor and not everyone processes it in the same way, however something that I really enjoy in December making the famous cream punch punch so rich and delicious I like to do it homemade and not add so much liquor I find it curious his great friends that you had in your internship times who will take care of you so that nothing bad happens to you, I hope you are very well I send you a big hug

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Wow what a surprise, I also prepare homemade cream punch at Christmas. I even sell it. But I don't like to drink the cream punch, I like to drink the sweet, smooth wine. My college friends are still my friends today. I also send you a hug my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a scare that you get that allergic reaction. You are used to it by now, but whoever is with you would be quite scared if they haven't seen what happens to you before.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Nowadays I only drink liquor with my friends, nothing else.

$ 0.00
2 years ago