They are playful animals, they walk in herds and they are familiar. They also talk to each other and help each other with their little children. They are spectacular creatures to be observed.
They say that dolphins feel a certain kind of connection with humans. I read once that they seem to have had some kind of friendship with the legendary sea mermaids. So our bodily resemblance to mermaids is what makes them have this friendship today with humans.
I once read about dolphins that rescued a human from the jaws of a shark. Just at the moment when the shark was about to bite the person, the dolphin launched itself on the abdomen of the shark and threw it away, thus saving that lucky person’s life.
Many people catch dolphins to later be trained to distract the public, there’s shows for people to see them up close and to see the adventures that these curious fishes usually have.
I have seen them in captivity, in large swimming pools where they amuse people and I have seen them free, swimming happily next to a ship that plows through their seas. I prefer to see them free, swimming on the seas of the world. It saddens me that their freedom is taken away so that they can serve as entertainment for the public who pays to see them.
They swim very fast and they emit a very characteristic sound that seems like a laugh of joy in the sea. They jump so high and do many flips and twirls as they salute. They are free and they are happy. It’s very pleasing to see them like that.
They are mammalian and carnivorous animals. They eat small fish and some shellfish. Their gestation lasts around 11 months. And they have only one baby.
I am lucky to have dolphins swimming in the seas of my country, the Caribbean Sea and the pink dolphins of the Amazon. Although the latter I have not seen properly.
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