Cactus and succulent mothers.

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3 years ago

Through the years I have grown many cacti. Some have multiplied but others did not have the same luck

But most of my mother cacti keep getting stronger and some are no longer small cacti and became mothers themselves, this thanks to how easy they are to grow and propagate. However, some cacti are slower and take longer to become adults and mothers.

Many of my cacti have died because pests kill them. I look in many ways to get organic treatments for my plants, but sometimes nothing works and other times they work halfway. In many cases I lose my beloved cacti because the pests give me no truce or rest.

Today I want to show you some of my mother cactus plants and some of their children. For me it is a pride to make more and more of them.

With the isolation that we have this year I have not been able to get new cacti. Thankfully, some people have come to my house and exchange one cactus for another or they just gave me one.

1.- This is my mother cacti Haworthia Limifolia who has been with me for many years. I have taken many of their children who have grown into adults themselves while others I have traded or sold.

The proliferation of this succulent affectionately known as “crocodile skin” is easy, even with a leaf you can get them to grow. I sowed this leaf a long time ago and strangely I saw that it only got wider, every time it got fatter and, looking inside a small opening in its base, I could see that inside it was growing a leaf. I opened the small opening for it and left it on its own and you can see that another plant grew.

2.- This here is a mother mammillaria voburnensis, its reproduction has taken a while longer because it does not grow as fast as others. But as you can see it has abundant children, which I will gradually withdraw to get more cactus children. I have already withdrawn some who have already become mothers as well. Even this mammillaria bloomed for me for the first time. It gave me his flowers and now I wait for his next flowering.

These are some of his children. Others I have sold, there have already been several cactus children that have come out of this mother.

3.- My mother Prolifera mammillaria has had many flowers and many children. I can't help but take photos of your flowers every time you produce this flower crown because it’s simply beautiful to see.

But when I couldn’t see her for a few weeks, she got infected. It’s sad to see how a plague took hold of her. I removed it from its pot and cleaned it as best I could. Now she is alone in a pot. I think it will survive, but she was the one with the most flowers in my pictures.

Their children were left apart. I know that she will proliferate again and have many children around her like before.

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3 years ago
