A special kind of man.

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3 years ago

He lived in his own way. What mattered most to him was enjoying life as much as he could. He had a family, but that wasn't a problem, because he was the boss. There, in his home, he only did what he wanted.

He drove a public transport car. I always wondered, how could he know about so many things without watching the news or knowing how to read?

One day I had to go to school and I came across his car. He took me there and I heard him talk to many people there. I understood it then, he listened and then repeated to others and thus obtained a lot of information thanks to the opinions of the people who did read and hear the news.

He was a very peculiar man. He worked on the car only so that he could maintain his vices. At home, his wife had to work selling ice cream made by her to get money for the education of her children and for food.

From Unsplash.

Because he knew there was money at home he used all of the money he got from his own job on his vices, brothels, alcohol, cigars and cockfights. By cockfights I mean rooster fights.

We call them "galleras", they are usually filled by men. They drink their favorite liquors or beers, they make bets with their roosters and put them to fight. These animals fight to the death. They place the roosters in some kind of ring. All the men stand around the ring and the men already drunk with their alcohol yell, cheering on their roosters to win.

This was the sport he enjoyed. The money he earned he enjoyed with the brothel girls, who always accompanied the men in the place there.

...But if his rooster was a loser and he had no more money, he would just have to come home drunk. His wife was waiting for him there, with food made with the money she made out of selling ice cream and with all the love she had for him. No claims from her as to why he arrives drunk and with no money.

Then comes the worst, the food was salty -according to him- and the water was at room temperature, then he screams and insults the lady.

There he paid for his frustrations on the street, the loss of his money and not being able to stay with the brothel girls. Having to settle for his wife, that was the worst. She never had makeup nor did she wear provocative clothes, she was just an old-fashioned wife. She was good with her children, she raised them, educated them, cooked very well... But that wasn't enough!

And this was the life that John Smith led... A very long life of suffering.

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3 years ago


I believe you mean: This is the life John Smith his wife led. A long life filled with suffering. A life time being kicked., the victim. I wonder what she saw in him, why she stayed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

She fell in love. and his culture was in his blood. No divorces because it brings shame to the family. Other times, another culture. These days the thing was different and it would have already separated-

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It occurs in many families. Informative and helpful article . Too good........

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can't even see how that would be anything close to suffering, honestly. He should count himself fortunate even

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree...that wife suffered. She should have buried him alive. No one would miss him he only cost money.

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3 years ago

That's true but it wouldn't nake sense to have the wife imprisoned just to remove the husband from the picture. Who would tend to tye kids who needed a mother

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ocurre en muchas familias. Los hombres se creen dueños de sus esposas, esclavizadores de sus hijos y muy buenos para disfrutar de la vida sin que las esposas tengan derecho a protestar.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It occurs in many families. Men believe they are masters of their wives, enslavers of their children and very good at enjoying life without the wives having the right to protest.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Probably from the olden generations but this generation is much more reactive to their spouses and the abuses they potentially face. Tbough i can't say all of them are but most have changed ways

$ 0.00
3 years ago

YES, they have changed in many countries. but IN MANY CULTURES, women STILL maintain the habit of submitting to their husbands. Something that husbands with emotionally unstable behaviors take advantage of to continue abusing their wives.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Now though, it's mostly the wives that do the abusing 😂😂😂 or so I've noticed in a few reports. But the stigma of husbands abusing their wuves never does seem to fade

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is that now with the fight for freedoms and equalities of man, many things that happen in families that previously did not come to light are coming to the fore. The mistreatment of men, the mistreatment of the child, the mistreatment of the elderly and many other things that are of unscrupulous people, who live with the family.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True. Those fights never started until just a few years back. And there has definitely been progress but hopefully one day, the world would be educated enough that these abuses would stop

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I would like to agree with you but I do not think it is a question of education but of evil. There are many abusers who are professionals but their minds are sick and they are cruel. They only discover themselves with the tragedies that surround them but it is too late for the victim.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was referring to educating the victims as well. A more educated victim.honestly will try to find ways to escape and would seem to have better options and opportunities to do so compared to the uneducated ones who seem to come off as highly reliant to their abusers in the end

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Because apparently the abuser is an expert who controls the minds of the abused. Hopefully, as you say, potential victims could get rid of their stalker.

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3 years ago