Let's Talk About Music

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Avatar for gabymedina
3 years ago
Topics: Music

Hello respected users, this is my first post in this community, and I hope it is the first of many.

Even though there are no professional musicians in my family, that did not prevent the positive effects of music from reaching me, since I was little, in both families, both maternal and paternal, music was listened to at birthday celebrations, weddings, on Christmas Eve. , New Years, on any important date in our lives, music was always and is present.

I remember a time, I was still an only child, during family trips, when we did them in the car, I would lie in the back seat, my father driving and my mother as a co-pilot, my father likes a lot the music of spite, like Grupo Los Terrícolas and the singer Flor Silvestre (a tough one when we talk about music of spite), during the trip he would play his cassette and we would listen to songs by Rocío Durcal, Juan Gabriel, Ruddy Marquez, Javier Solis and Pedro Infante, among others, hahahaha please se that they will be thinking that I am old and as they say here in Venezuela, I am Batuqueing The ID of the Floor, hahaha. All that music brings back memories of childhood, that's why I like it so much.

Other music that activates my memory and moves my emotions are ballads in English, from the 70s, my mother's musical tastes came to form me, I clearly remember that she took us in the afternoons, three times a week, to me. sister and me to a swimming course, during the car ride, she put on her cassette and that music called Chatarrita began to play.

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We listened to songs by the singer GLADYS KNIGHT, titled "Midnight Train To Georgia" (in spanish "Tren de media noche a Georgia), those who know her will support me in that it is a tremendous song.

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But the best song of all is one by the singer BOBBY VINTON, it is called "Please Love Me For Ever" (in spanish Por Favor amame para siempre), when I hear it I teleport and I imagine that I am in Paris enjoying a glass of wine, hahahaha, it really is very beautiful, I invite you to locate it and listen to it, it is a classic. Here I show you the cover of the album.

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In that cassette he also had a piece beauty called "Only You", sung by The Platters Group, especially for those of us who are in love, in the link that I present, you can enjoy the subtitled video.

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Another singer from the time of the decade of the 70s, is Kenny Rogers with his romantic song entitled "Lady", it is a classic, too beautiful. 

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Moving on to another musical genre, I am also a salsa singer thanks to my uncle Franco, he was fascinated by that from the time of Old Salsa or Yesterday, from the 70s, such as La Dimensión Latina Group, I love songs moved, like "THE FRUIT BOX", "YOU WILL CRY", "FOR YOUR ALTAR", the nostalgic ones I don't like much, and the lovers of slow sauce forgive me, the kind that are to fall out of love, but I lean towards the happy ones.

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Following in the same vein of old salsa, what do you tell me about the singer Hector Lavoe ?, songs like "EL DÍA DE MI MUERTE", "PERIODICO DE AYER", "EL CANTANTE" and many more. In my particular case, this music makes me happy, if I'm nostalgic or sad, it activates me and lifts my spirits, I don't know if the same thing happens to you.

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Another salsa singer, romantic style that I love very much is Gilberto Santa Rosa, "El Caballero de la Salsa" is a Puerto Rican singer-songwriter, expert in improvising, he is a sonero par excellence, among the songs that fascinate me is "Perdóname", "Conscience", "Without Will", "They told me about it again", among many others.

The album where he sings live, at Carnegie Hall in New York, is the most emblematic, I assure you that all the followers and fans, we know his songs verbatim, even when he begins to improvise, we have listened to them so much that personally speaking I they are completed. The lyrics of these songs are so delicate that they make anyone fall in love, even when their heart is hardened as ice, it melts when listening to them, when listening to their songs they leave our soul defenseless ... as the Santa Rosa song says.

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Fortunately my husband also likes the same style of music, we are the same age, that is, we come from the same time, our parents even when they never met, they shared the same musical tastes, we grew up listening to the same songs and when we have a small opportunity to go out or at home, we look for them to have a few drinks and have a tasty time together, enlivening our love.

Mi Esposo y Yo en una de Nuestras Salidas ♥️

#music #english #venezuela #musiclover

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Avatar for gabymedina
3 years ago
Topics: Music
