[ING-ESP] Recommendation for the HOME./ Recomendacion para el HOGAR./

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Avatar for gabymedina
2 years ago

Hello, respected Read Cash Open For All community, today I want to share a testimony from home, do not think that I am charging money for advertising, it is not like that, but I am one of the people who thinks that when something is really excellent, you have to recommend it and share it with others, we do not know who is suffering in silence from this same plague in their home and this testimony fits like a glove.

Hola respetada comunidad de Read Cash Open For All, el día de hoy quiero compartirles un testimonio del hogar, no piensen que estoy cobrando dinero por la publicidad, no es así, pero soy de las personas que piensa que cuando algo es realmente excelente, hay que recomendarlo y compartirlo con el prójimo, no sabemos quién está sufriendo en silencio de esta misma plaga en su hogar y este testimonio cae como anillo al dedo.

We moved to our apartment in 2005, we were the 2nd buyers, we cleaned it from the undesirable flukes, for 18 years we were undefeated in the hygiene of our home, always neat and impeccable, the kitchen absolutely clean, maintaining the hygiene of day and night.

Nos mudamos a nuestro apartamento en el año 2005, éramos los 2dos compradores, lo saneamos de las indeseables chiripas, por espacio de 18 años estuvimos invictos en la higiene de nuestro hogar, siempre pulcra e impecable, la cocina absolutamente limpia, manteniendo la higiene de día y de noche.

Until we brought the removal of a relative: a clothes dryer, an oven, boxes with crockery and other valuables, in short, the move did not come alone with objects, but a few flukes also came, they made life in Our home multiplied rapidly, at the same time I began to observe fluffy eggs, many of them of different sizes, that's how serious the situation became.

Hasta que trajimos la mudanza de un familiar: una secadora de ropa, un horno, cajas con vajillas y demás objetos de valor, en fin, la mudanza no vino sola con objetos, sino que también se vinieron unas cuantas chiripas, ellas hicieron vida en nuestro hogar, se multiplicaron de un manera rápida, al tiempo comencé a observar huevitos de chiripas, muchas de ellas de diferentes tamaños, así de grave ser tornó la situación.

As the days and months went by, they took up space in the apartment, this resulted in a situation of stress when seeing how they were marking territory, after a peaceful life, free of vermin, seeing ourselves surrounded by them was a real suffering, really they are a plague. Before with full confidence we could grab from the pantry (without rinsing) a glass, fork, plate or cup, nowooo no, there is always mistrust, I must wash before use.

Con el correr de los días y meses fueron acaparando espacio en el apartamento, esto trajo como consecuencia una situación de stress al ver cómo iban marcando territorio, luego de una vida apacible, libre de alimañas, vernos rodeados de ellas fue un verdadero sufrimiento, realmente son una plaga. Antes con plena confianza podíamos agarrar de la despensa (sin enjuagar) un vaso, tenedor, plato o taza, ahora no, siempre está la desconfianza, debo lavar antes de usar.

They hid behind the refrigerator, oven, blender, microwave and other appliances, little by little they were moving to the rooms and bathrooms, this was of total concern, having the need to go out to the kitchen at night to get water was a real torture, seeing them swarming on the floor and kitchen counter was crazy, until one day we said they got here ...

Se escondían detrás de la nevera, horno, licuadora, microondas y otros electrodomésticos, poco a poco se fueron mudando a las habitaciones y baños, esto era de total preocupación, el tener la necesidad de salir a la cocina durante la noche para buscar agua era un verdadero suplicio, verlas pululando en el piso y mesón de la cocina era una locura, hasta que un día dijimos hasta aquí llegaron...

Due to the situation of the pandemic, we could not hire a fumigation company, calling strangers was ruled out, we told an uncle and he recommended a poison, in powder form, at first we were incredulous because a vermin that is not respected It is attacked with dust that CHINESE shops sell, we thought that a good and expensive fumigation was necessary, but thank God it was not like that.

Debido a la situación de la pandemia, no podíamos contratar una empresa de fumigación, el  llamar personas extrañas quedó descartado, le comentamos a un tío y el nos recomendó un veneno, en presentación de polvo, al principio estuvimos incrédulas porque alimaña que se respeta no es atacada con polvito que venden los comercios CHINOS, pensábamos que era necesaria una buena y costosa fumigación, pero gracias a Dios no fue así.

 Initially we bought three bags of poison, and we saw quick and effective results, they appeared dead in the corners, in the living room or kitchen, when we saw that little by little and in broad daylight they died, it was an achievement, we even felt happy, because What can I tell you, going from being mined to exterminating them, is it to rejoice, right? Without thinking twice we went out to buy more bags.

Inicialmente compramos tres bolsitas de veneno, y vimos rápidos y efectivos resultados, aparecían muertas en los rincones, en la sala o cocina, al ver que poco a poco y a plena luz del día morían, era un logro, hasta llegamos a sentir felicidad, pues que les puedo decir, pasar de estar minadas a exterminarlas, es como para alegrarse cierto? Sin pensarlo dos veces salíamos a comprar más bolsitas.

The appearance of the dust is like sawdust, I placed it throughout the apartment, specifically on the floor bordering the wall, as if it were skirting boards, on the floor behind the refrigerator, washing machine, on the edge of the kitchen counter, emphasizing where he knew the focus of infection was high.

El aspecto del polvo es como aserrín, yo lo coloqué en todo el apartamento, puntualmente en el piso bordeando la pared, como si fuese rodapié, en el piso detrás de la nevera, lavadora, en el borde del mesón de la cocina, haciendo énfasis donde sabía que el foco de infección era alto.

Now we are calmer, even when they have not been completely eradicated, we are in that process, the important thing is that we are seeing the results we expect, if you are wondering about the price, it is quite accessible ...

Ahora estamos más tranquilas, aun cuando no se han erradicado por completo, estamos en ese proceso, lo importante es que estamos viendo los resultados que esperamos, si se preguntan por el precio, es bastante accesible...

GOD Bless you family of read.cash Open For All

$ 1.64
$ 1.64 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for gabymedina
2 years ago


It is really unpleasant to have those kinds of bugs in the house. It's good that you attacked them and that the product worked for you. Thanks for the tip. Best regards

$ 0.00
2 years ago