Splinterlands - Life Splinter Strategy

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2 years ago

Recently I came across some articles about how the Life Splinter is the least favorite Splinter and how people find it very hard to finish the Life Daily Quest. I must admit that I was one of these people for a long time. But just recently I discovered a very effective way to make my life easier. This is what I want to show you in this article. Bear in mind though that I am very new to this game and that I am playing most of the time in the Bronze Leagues. That is why this article is for the newer players as well, but I am always open for feedback from any player, no matter the experience!


My Strategy

When I first started out, I never appreciated the value of a Taunt Tank. I was aware that it had advantages, but I thought to myself that they would come out in the late game of this game when people are playing in the Gold or Diamond Leagues. Oh boy was I wrong! The first element to this build is the Shieldbearer. He is a 8 mana cost card which has the Taunt ability. Additionally he has some decent attack and a lot of Hit Points. His main purpose is that he protects all of the minions in the back line so that they can deal the damage to the opponent or just fulfill their purpose in the own backline. Furthermore, his attack is pretty decent so that he can deal damage by himself.



The next two cards fulfill the same purpose and it was just with both of these cards played when my Life Game really accelerated. The cards are Divine Healer and Venari Crystalsmith. Both of these Cards have the Tank Heal ability. Now, why do you need both of these cards you might ask. Well, most of the times the enemy is doing between 5 and 7 damage per round, distributed over all of their monsters. With both of these cards I am guaranteed to restore 6 health on my tank that is taking these 5-7 damage. This means that this total 9 health might get reduced by one HP. Sometimes the opponent won’t even make it through the Shieldbearer with this strategy. This allows me to continuously deal damage to the opponent’s monsters without basically losing any of my own.



To finish this build of there are several possibilities. Either you choose some backline Snipers or Sneak ability monsters. I prefer to take the Silvershield Knight because he allows me to add an additional attack to the Shieldbearer. If the mana rules allowed it I add a Feral Spirit to the line up just to get through the opponent’s back line quicker. I would put the Knight into the second position just to make sure that you have something to come after your tank might die. But this should not happen very often.




A possible battle could be seen in the following link. Here, out team clearly won against another Life team who did not utilize the heal and taunt abilities of his splinter.



I hope I could give you some new advice and maybe even a new inspiration for another strategy! Like I mentioned before, I think that this strategy is more for the beginning levels of this game but maybe some higher level players can utilize the ideas that I introduced! 😊



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Published by ga38jem on


On 5th December 2021


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Avatar for ga38jem
2 years ago


I use the same cards, I love the taunt feature ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks! I am one of those people who avoids playing life haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

glad to be helpful! :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How much is the initial investment for this? I want to join as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For the total game? You need to purchase a summoner's book for 10$. This makes you eligeable to earn rewards. After that it is basically free to play. But the more you invest into the correct cards the more rewards you could get back :D

You should at least get over 1000Card Power because then you can get Battle rewards as well in Bronze 2. This costs around 30$ if you purchase the cheapest two legendaries :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really? That's actually pretty cheap then. Do you have telegram?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh no, unfortunately I dont have telegram :/

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww. That is fine. Im just going to search on Youtube. Thanks anyway.

$ 0.00
2 years ago