How the bear market has treated you?

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1 year ago

It was some time ago when the markets were all green and the price of all assets was as high as the sky, now it is no longer that time but it is probably the time to save up on spending money and more on planting the seed that will give fruits in the next bull market.

If you didn't trade any of your assets at all you should have the same amount of assets just a different monetary value, like if I held the initial BCH that I used to have before SmartBCH I would have the same amount in satoshis but a lot less value against fiat and Bitcoin itself.

I must be sincere the bear market made me lose a lot of money at least unrealized losses at this point, but I think the next bull run is about to start and that means you should start planting your money today so that in two to three years to gain some yield once the bull run is back again. Markets work on cycles, it is just that right now we are on the downside of the whole market cycle and are very close to starting the next cycle.

At some point, Bitcoin Cash could become important again either because markets realize it is undervalued or because all of a sudden people realize that they need to use a version of Bitcoin that has low on-chain transaction fees that are cheap even against weaker currencies besides the US dollar.

We are still under the threat of inflation not just from the dollar but also from other major fiat currencies like the Euro, small countries are already going under and their fiat financial systems are already collapsing or much closer to it. If the US dollar fiat system falls you can bet that at that time it won't be time to prepare but the time to perform, and I hope that by that time if you are ready for a crisis like that by making sure you hold some assets outside the banking system.

Holding Bitcoin Cash means you know you will be able to use your money without any major fees and the need for a third-party or custodian if you need to use money that is not controlled by the government and that you don't have to ask for permission before utilizing it. Why Bitcoin Cash and not other assets like Litecoin? Once high-on-chain transaction fees become a real issue you will start to realize that previous narratives will be discovered to be just that empty narratives from people who only theorize but never practice those theories they like to spread around and impose as the truth to others.

Let's say you think that using Chivo-like applications is using the real Bitcoin and we have a crisis and that government that prints those assets in Chivo goes under, Do you think at that moment holding any assets inside those applications will be a good idea at all? Planting the seed for future growth means you must make sure you invest your money in a real asset, if you want Bitcoin that works in any market condition crisis or just regular old days you want to hold some Bitcoin Cash in my opinion. Imminent domain-like laws could allow governments to steal your cryptocurrencies sitting with third-party custodians like Chivo and the Wallet of Satoshi among other custodians-like applications.

Maybe the bear market has threat it you badly just like it did to me, but at least I am trying to plan my next season seed on good fertile soil which I know is reliable, that in cryptocurrencies means I'm investing my money on assets that work on any condition and I don't follow just narratives but actual tested practice.

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1 year ago


I think the bear is coming o an end, at least for now. But we might get a bigger bear in 2025 or so.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That next bear will mean we will have a bull market before that otherwise it would only mean the current bear would last longer. I am betting the price could go up because there is fewer people to sell now and before.

$ 0.00
1 year ago
$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is not 100% not for BTC or BCH

$ 0.00
1 year ago

15K to 30K is 100% where I come from.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

As far as I know, BTC never reached that price was close but didn't reach it, as far as I know, it is after 33k that we may actually see 100%, which will be around 10% from the current price.

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1 year ago