First, by inflation, then by deflation until you wake up homeless.

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1 year ago

There are two quotes that I remember almost every day and that even when they were written a long time ago by people from another era, they are still applicable to today's reality. One of them is that there is no better-enslaved person than that one that thinks it is free, and the second one is the one in the title of this article, by Thomas Jefferson.

You may think that because the founding fathers of the United States owned and enslaved other human beings, their words have no merit, but humanity's history is one of war and conquer. Yes, the American Indians got enslaved by settlers from the old world, and it is true they established the trade of enslaved people, mostly Africans. But even when the white men did those two crimes, it is better because if it were not for the white men, it would have been another man. The history of humankind is that of war, conquer, and enslavement of other human beings. If you think that black Africans were not dominating each other, it will mean that you have not read or paid attention to your history books and reading between the lines. If you think Indians were saints, you will be wrong; after all, they were just humans, and like any other group of humans, we all know how to hurt each other.

At least the way we live now, we have relative peace, even if our ancestors built that accord with the blood of others that had to die for the liberties we enjoy today. We can't change the past only learn and prepare so that history doesn't repeat itself. And we honor our ancestors' victims by ensuring we, the descendants, don't repeat and recreate the same system they fled in the first place.

Banks and crowns enslaved the old world, which is why the founding fathers of America warned their people about the evils of banks because one evil they were fleeing was tyranny from central banks and governments. In the past, those governments used the church and royalty.

But because people get comfortable and forget to study their history, we now have the same old powers trying to take over the new way of money; that new money is Bitcoin. The banks and their owners and collaborators are trying to implement one of the oldest tricks in the book, inflate fiat currency and later deflate it so that, in the end, all of the valuable property ends up in the hands of the same old power structures.

Bitcoin is a new property that can't be inflated away. It is a unique property that a natural person must own because it is money that can't be deflated directly by third parties. Still, those holding such property or asset must also do their due diligence, and by that, I mean that those whole cryptocurrencies must try to educate themselves. Their families, in the ways corrupt people work so that we don't become what the old world was a nightmare where the peasants own nothing and the royalty and church had all the power.

If you think the status quo is not trying to take down the new money system or at least corrupt it from the inside out, you will be naive because wars are not always fought with weapons. Sometimes, the people must fight battles that can be won without a single bullet but to do that, you need to get educated about what your real goals are, what the new system is trying to replace, and why.

We all need money, and that money must be neutral from political influence and have scarcity that it can hold value over time, and it must be usable in trade without much friction. In the current market, we have many currencies competing to be that, one being Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and others. Still, we must not forget that if you sell and concentrate only on the fiat value, eventually, the corporations that print that fiat currency will deprive you of your home and your new-found wealth, Bitcoin, and all other cryptocurrencies.

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1 year ago
