Bitcoin Cash's downtrend price is a blessing for the poor and broken.

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1 year ago

If humanity was about to suffer a famine that would last for years, you could almost guarantee the rich would immediately buy all the food in the world and hoard it for reselling once the crisis is full-blown. Humanity is about to enter a famine-like crisis because all fiat currencies suffer from the same flaw all fiat currencies suffer, which is all fiat currencies hyper-inflate at some point in the future. After all, governments can't resist the need to print money to fix the ever-growing need for governments to print out their way out of any economic crisis.

The rich know that eventually the fiat dollar and euros for that matter will lose their purchasing power and they know they need to get an asset that the government can't seize as long as they store it properly. As such the rich are hoarding Bitcoin because they believe it will work as a store of value and they think that once Bitcoin is expensive enough, they will be able to sell it to the poor and broken at a much higher price than the price they bought it. The rich are hoping that once the economic crisis inflicted by fiat currency loses value, the poor will have to work and exchange good and services for Bitcoin but the surprise is that the poor will use a better Bitcoin that work for the rich and poor which is Bitcoin Cash.

If the poor right now buy Bitcoin BTC, they will be essentially donating to the rich because if you invest even $100 that will become soon just burn money because it won't be enough to pay for transaction fees. Even if you double your money by holding BTC, you gain nothing if you have to spend 50% of your holdings on a single transaction fee. Lightning Network won't help you because that requires at least two on-chain transactions if not more to be able to hold your channels, so it means the poor won't be able to afford their channels and will have to rely on custodians.

The rich are happy if you buy a burning money position today and they will be even happier if you must use a Lightning Network custodians because that will mean the government won't have to try to seize the rich and powerful assets but instead go after those who hold their money with custodians. It will be much easier to say to ChivoWallet to hand over your assets than to an air-gap or hardware wallet, which means even being offline all time and as such hard to seize. With Bitcoin, the only ones able to host and secure their assets will be the rich.

Bitcoin Cash BCH has been going down in price so that those with eyes to see beyond narratives and propaganda can prepare and buy the asset that will be their safeguard in the future. If you buy $20 of Bitcoin Cash today, you know your transaction fees will only be one penny in the future and you won't need any custodians to save up your wealth as such you won't burn your money and the government won't be able to seize your property because you will hold your private keys on a secure place and offline out of the reach of any government or third party.

You won't have to sell your labor to the rich once the crisis arrives and those who look down on you for holding Bitcoin Cash will understand that Bitcoin BCH is our last hope for humanity's freedom not just from the government but the rich elites that have always looked to enslave humanity by making you work for money that another human being can print for free.

The rich believe their narratives and they think the store of value narrative will stand once the time to perform is upon us and the time for false narratives is over. When the famine starts, what you need is food and the only way to have is by saving it in the good times. The economic famine will start once major fiat currencies start to hyper-inflate and at that time you will have a currency that works with very low fees and without third parties to avoid seizure from any government.

Let the rich collect Bitcoin BTC and hoard it. We all know when the time to perform comes, it will fail.

It is very good that poor nations and their people are seeing through the lies Bitcoin maxis spread and started using the real Bitcoin BCH. You may think the poor are not suffocated investors but they understand if you can't afford something today you won't afford it either tomorrow as such many disadvantaged nations and people are adopting Bitcoin BCH as money.

The rich are being blind by greed and that is why they are hoarding BTC but the moment they realize their mistake you can be sure they will jump ship at that moment it will be up to those who already hold the best asset to give it up or just hold it because they know is their lifeboat that they will need themselves soon enough. Everyone will need a lifeguard if you don't believe me, ask those who already suffer and are suffering from high inflation and hyperinflation as I write this article.

$ 0.13
$ 0.10 from @DrNums
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago
