A Critical Review of "Hijacking Bitcoin" by Roger Ver.

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4 weeks ago

Recently, I decided to purchase Hijacking Bitcoin by Roger Ver, now available in digital format on Google Play. Taking advantage of some free credits from Google Rewards, I was able to get both the eBook and the audiobook versions. While I didn’t read the book, I listened to it over two days. With nearly 8 hours of content, I broke it into three sessions to avoid mental fatigue and fully absorb the material.

The book delves into the evolution of the Bitcoin Core (BTC) narrative, shedding light on how the "Store of Value" became the dominant ideology. Ver argues that the narrative’s rise was far from organic, alleging that censorship and unethical behavior were employed by some Bitcoin Core supporters to solidify their control. The hijacking, according to Ver, was facilitated by the centralization of the Bitcoin software's development, with only a select few having the power to make changes to the Bitcoin Core repository on GitHub. This situation, he contends, necessitated the fork that led to the creation of Bitcoin Cash, a move aimed at preserving Bitcoin’s original decentralized ethos.

Ver makes a strong case that those advocating for small blocks have ulterior motives, often tied to selling solutions that benefit them at the user's expense.

I will add that the following is my opinion: I express skepticism about the future of sidechains, particularly those relying on BiP300 and BiP301, suggesting that such innovations may never come to fruition due to potential conflicts of interest within the Bitcoin Core development community and Blockstream. Blockstream may lose access to the Bitcoin Core repositories if sidechains become a part of Bitcoin.

Hijacking Bitcoin also highlights the resilience of the Bitcoin Cash community, which has endured multiple forks and challenges. These trials, Ver argues, have strengthened the community by teaching valuable lessons on how to safeguard against hostile takeovers by special interest groups or influential individuals. Bitcoin Cash, he asserts, is not just about speculative gains but about real-world utility—both now and in the future. This is especially relevant in the context of growing government interest in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs, which many view as steps toward a more controlled, less free monetary system.

For those unfamiliar with the history and significance of Bitcoin Cash, Hijacking Bitcoin offers an educational journey into why this fork exists and what it stands for. It’s a compelling read for anyone interested in a version of Bitcoin that prioritizes decentralization, low fees, and real peer-to-peer transactions. Unlike BTC, Bitcoin Cash is built to scale, offering the benefits of both Bitcoin and Ethereum without the need for centralized second-layer solutions or third-party custodians. The future, Ver argues, is bright for those who choose the version of Bitcoin that truly works—Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

The future is bright if you are willing to use the version of Bitcoin that works, Bitcoin Cash BCH.

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