The positive effects of the bush on our lives

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The first use of the word chakra dates back to the oldest written text in India, the Vedas, a series of hymns which means knowledge. These texts are also where we see the first use of the word Yoga. The Vedas also give us clues that chakras and yoga, which have been mentioned together for many years, are inextricably linked.

The word chakra literally means wheel. The wheel reminds us of transformation and change in motion. We can think that the main chakras, which are considered to extend along the spinal line, also rotate and work with energy like a wheel in motion. The energy of our body is the power that keeps our chakras spinning, working and moving.

We accept that we have seven main chakras from the coccyx to the crown of the head. But these chakras are not located above our physical body, they are located above our subtle body, in other words above our energy body. In this way, we can say that they act on each other's communication, that the chakras also act on receiving and giving information from each other, and that they work more or less accordingly.

So, what is a chakra working more or less? As we hear more often, "Is my chakra blocked? Or is my chakra closed?" Let's look at these questions together. Actually, the answer to these questions is this: We can say that a chakra works more or less rather than being blocked or closed. Let's elaborate a little more.

The energy of the 7 chakras we mentioned is there along the spinal line. We all already have this energy in the chakra centers and it takes practice to make these centers work. Not activating the area where a chakra is located, even physically, shows us that the energy of the chakra is low or that it is not using the existing energy. This can manifest itself as diseases in the physical body parts represented by the chakra or as emotional and spiritual fluctuations represented by that area.

Another example is when a chakra is working too hard. This time there is energy in the chakra and it is very high. By constantly working that area, that chakra, I generate more energy. Working the chakra where the energy is already high means increasing the energy consumption of the body. This manifests itself both physically and mentally as being tired, exhausted, unable to calm down.

As in every situation, we aim to keep a chakra in balance, rather than working more or less. For this, we recommend yoga practices, breathing practices and meditation.

I would like to share one of the balancing breathing techniques, Nadi Shodhana. If possible, you can sit cross-legged on the floor, if not, you can sit upright on a chair with the soles of your feet on the floor. Keeping the left hand on the left knee, we will use the fingers of the right hand for breathing practice.

To start, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and first EXHALE the breath from the left and again inhale from the left with the right nostril still closed. Now, while exhaling, close the left nostril with the smallest finger of the right hand and EXHALE the breath from the right, while the left nostril is still closed, inhale from the right. We will empty the breath through the hole we breathe in, then take it through the other hole and empty it through the same hole. You can continue this cycle for 3 minutes to start.

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