Violet Evergarden is one my favorite animes

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3 years ago

Today I want to tell you about a beautiful made anime, it is Violet Evergarden. You can find it on Netflix.

The story follows Violet, she is an orphan, raised by a militar general. The military raises her as a weapon, not as a human, so she lacks the human interaction morals and emotions, as she shows in the interactions with other normal people.

The reasons she starts to interact with other human beings in a social way is because the war ends, and as for many objects, experiments and ideas, she is left alone.

I have to say that the general to whom she is handed treats her as a normal person, but before she has been trained as a weapon. This general considers her almost like a daughter, she loves her and it hurts him that she can not feel emotions.

It is kind of obvious that this general is not going to see the time after the war, an explosion where Violet lost both arms, she lost something that is going to hurt her even more.

I am trying not to make any spoiler, the events I am talking about are the start of the first episode. After this I will talk about the character growing in the upcoming episodes, but I won't talk about single events that must hurt your watching.

I am not a fil critic, this all has the low storytelling abilities that I can print, but I wish it can make you want to watch the series.

So you start seeing Violet as a heartless human being, but she wants to know the meaning of the last words her commandant told her: I love you. During her story she will find a lot of suffering learning the meaning of those beautiful words.

She gets a job in the business of the commandant's friend. And is a job that will teach her a lot about people. But first let me tell you about the historical place of the show. It is based on an imaginary world, somewhere with a 1930s technology, the times of the writing machines we can say.

The show tells us that the majority of the people can't write and many can't read, that is why the job she got is in a letters business, where her colleagues listen to what people want to tell the other person that will read the letter and they try to write the letter according to the feelings of the person saying what the letter must be about. I describe this bad, really bad, but in the first chapter you can see what I am talking about.

This is the best combination for a character development possible. Someone that does not understand feelings has to transcribe feelings to a paper based on what she knows. You can imagine the struggles from the start. But the way she improves day by day is incredible.

I am not going to destroy even more the beauty of this show by writing so bad about it, so I leave you the pleasure of watching it.

$ 0.37
$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
