My experience managing a sickle cell patient

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3 years ago

Had a sickle cell patient I was managing for Crisis. This morning I was called to see him as he was in distress and gasping for air. I rushed in an attempt to resuscitate him and he whispered, “ Doctor, I am tired, I don’t think I can make it”

I had formed a strong bond with this young boy.I frantically told him, not today. You ain’t going nowhere. He slipped into unconsciousness. My spider sense was alerted. I prayed in the spirit and commenced on Intranasal Oxygen.

You needed to see me sweating. Nurse get me this , get me that. Hold this one , hold that one, check RBS. I saw some signs of life and hope was returning. His heart was beating better now, eyes opened and he could muster words. This continued for few minutes.

Anyways, I just resumed duty after a short rest and the matron beckoned on me that I had someone who wanted to see me. Guess who? The lil Boy who I resuscitated earlier this morning. I quickly rushed to his ward and saw him smiling. The joy was consuming.

We chatted for a while. He asked me to help him sit up. Wow, so u can walk around now? Yes of course he said. This young boy is just 12, but he is so smart. He stood up, held my hand and we strolled outside his ward. Doctor, I am hot here. Let’s step out.

This literally made my day. His friends came around, and I watched from my little office as they played and hosted and laughed away. What a day indeed.

Of a truth, your doctor is nothing without God.

What a weekend. We move. Happy new year fellas

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3 years ago
