Era That Changed The Word

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1 year ago
Topics: Word, Language, Slang, Trends

Humans evolve following trends. People think more about trends than what is needed. When celebrities show off their leather suits, their fans who like them also buy the suits worn by these celebrities. Then, the undercut hair trend will be followed by men when Marco Reus (footballer) looks more handsome and dashing on the field. Everything happens because of the trend that has been created. There is no mistake in the title that I made because I want to focus the trend on words.

Language has been the main form of human communication since ancient times. People wouldn't go that far just to recognize our origins as humans. Humans are interested in communicating with other humans because they want to be understood equally, not because they want to learn a language. Language is needed as an easy bridge to both be on a balanced level of conversation. So, this is where the equation comes from. 

Then, the combination of cultures is also influenced by the era that has changed. In the new era, every new language will be followed by other humans, especially the younger generation. The assumption for the younger generation, a new language is a language that facilitates association and facilitates communication between fellow friends. For the older generation, this isn’t important and they don’t care about any new styles and words that are happening at this time. After all, it is already difficult for older people to memorize texts and go back to learning the language.

So, for those of us who still have a good memory and pronunciation of words, you are still lucky because deepening the language is one of the factors of people's intelligence. There are more than 200 languages in the world, but I will only give examples of languages that are already popular globally. So, let's get to know slang.

I provide the video below to recognize various slang in English:

From the video above, there are several words such as lit, periodt, snatched, goat and others which are almost rarely heard by people outside of native English speakers. Thus, people need to remember it properly.

Then, below I present slang in Spanish: 

From the video above, we learn new words such as vale, mono, ser la leche and 17 other words contained in the video. If you like watching Latin football or like telenovelas, you might find variations of new words there.

In the last video, I give you slang knowledge in Japanese. So, watch the video below:

From the video above, there are various words that we know such as gugu-ru, sabo-ru, paku-ru and other slang words contained in video. To better understand the context, maybe you can learn through media such as manga, anime or Japanese drama that is spread on the internet or other media.

So, here's a video lineup as an example of slang words that represent the current era. It is proof that words can also follow the flow of a new era so that they can understand the current context. 

In conclusion, humans can create their era. From there, humans change the order of style, language, culture and also the context that occurs according to the situation at a certain time. But, this condition requires a boost from people's popularity or conditions that can become popular. For example, some celebrities popularize or some events popularize the new culture, like the World Cup events where words, slang or jargon will be more widely known.

Image Source: Unsplash | Sven Brandsma (lead image)

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Avatar for fiolyn_rea
1 year ago
Topics: Word, Language, Slang, Trends
