How to create a blog? The hosting issue...

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3 years ago

Google that and get lost in an ocean of information:

"Do you want to do it for fun? Do you want to make money of your blog?... How I made $3,300 last month blogging? Follow these 5 steps and start your own blog today!"

Is it as easy as many say? Well, I do not know for sure, but I have found quite a few tricky posts in my way. Specially when talking about hosting.

Why do tons of bloggers (and even WordPress) recommend hosting companies with low performance?

The answer is easy, and if you have done a little research about how to make money by blogging, you can probably guess - affiliate marketing. Hosting companies give economical compensation to those who recommend their services.

The most honest site that I have found about hosting is Research As A Hobby. There you can find comprehensive and professional evaluations of hosting services.

"The main idea of “Research as a Hobby” is to truthfully analyze resources and tools and discuss business mindset to help you (a small business owner, a business-minded blogger) to avoid pitfalls of internet marketing fluff and move beyond the obstacles that are on your way."

If your are thinking about creating a blog, check that site!

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