My first encounter with

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Avatar for fcorbos
3 years ago

Hello My name is Francisco Corbos, I am at the moment exploring given the progress we have witnessed in the area of ​​blockchain technology and the existing need to collaborate with a financial ecosystem that aims at a better distribution of income of all citizens in a globalized way, that is why I join this proposal and I feel a great desire to be able to learn and share all the experiences and knowledge that are available on my part. I do not want to finish without first thanking my friend Roberto from @BCHouseVE and his initiative to add more participants in this new world through his entertaining meetup full of energy!

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @BCHouseVE
Avatar for fcorbos
3 years ago


Hi, how are you..

I'm glad to see you here, I'm glad you're already active in, I hope you're very successful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago