The principles and power of vision😊

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2 years ago

Good morning lovelies,trust you had a pleasant nice rest,well welcome to a bright and wonderful day that the Lord Almighty has given to us💥💥💝

Today,I will be writing on vision and it's might be wondering if vision has principle🙄🙄well everything in life has it's own principles.

So vision,what is vision?

Vision is a conception inspired by God in the heart of a know,what see with our physical eyes is not necessarily what really is.There is a gold God has placed inside of you, waiting for you to manisfest so that the world can see God's good work and glorify God. The gold inside of you is waiting to be unveiled.

What is this gold? this gold signifies dreams,gifts,talents that we have inside of us,it is also ur passion.

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The gold,can only be unveiled through a process called discovering.

So back to vision,vision births purpose and meaning to your existence.It takes vision to discover,to unveil the gold within you.

No matter who/where you are there is a purpose for your life,a unique reason God created you.Every man God created He gave a unique vision.So before you give up remember that there is a unique vision upon your Life,only you can fulfill.

This vision is unique to you alone,no one else has it,only you can achieve/accomplish it.

It is a tragic thing to live without discovering the vision of God for your life.So pray,ask and discover God's vision for your life.

  • There are alot of potentials within you waiting to be explored, you can only achieve this through a process called discovering. Discovering can be achieved only in God which is the Creator of life.

  • You must know that everyone is a leader in his/her own vision.

  • What is your vision? what have you always wanted to do?what is your heart desires?what is your dream? When you begin to see your vision clearly, you will be able to fulfill your life purpose.

    #ponder, pray about what you have just read and I trust God the you will begin to see clearly God's purpose for your life thus, living a life of purpose.

Thanks for reading,I will continue this article in my next post,so you won't get choked up with reading,step by step we will discover God's vision for our life,in Jesus name,Amen.

#stay motivated,vision minded and positive minded,have a beautiful day💝😍🥰

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2 years ago
