Love is beautiful, cool and nice when with the one which we so desire to spend the rest of one's life with. But emotional management is a core part of every relationship irrespective of the feelings one has for partners.
Either Beautiful or Ugly, Tall or Short, Dark or White, experience has taught us that experience is the best teacher. Moreover, coming down to relationship matters, experience of having an Ex-Lover would have impact on one either positively or negatively.
Some people will say they can't date someone who has never dated someone because they believe that such person will be immature relationship wise. Some takes it as taking advantage of such person who just fell in love with him or her.
Can you date someone who does not have an Ex-Lover?
Have you ever dated someone who does not have an Ex-Lover?
Some people will say they can't date someone who has never dated someone because they believe that such person will be immature relationship wise. Some takes it as taking advantage of such person who just fell in love with him or her.
Can you date someone who does not have an Ex-Lover?