Nakamoto's Dream

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2 years ago

I recognize that the title of this note is perhaps exaggerated, How can I be in someone's head? Someone about whom we don't even know the identity of him, nor if he is or was a single person or a group of enthusiastic fans of mathematics and computing; however, in the famous white paper that came to light 13 years ago, it said that its digital currency was for exchange between people, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and did not require the participation of a third party, in addition to transactions they could be anonymous and secure due to what he called a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm.

So far, what has been said is known by all of us who have somehow become involved in the cryptographic paradigm. However, what Nakamoto did not explicitly mention in his project is that great success could come from the hands of those with limited economic resources, far outside the rich and powerful financial agents who are the ones who truly and dramatically move global money and run the world economy.

The bitcoin project is consolidating everywhere not thanks to the contribution of large investors but because of its widespread use in small communities and by ordinary individuals, that is where the real power of cryptocurrencies and blockchain is being demonstrated.

A few days ago I read local news where it is mentioned that Quilmes, a small municipality in the Province of Buenos Aires with just 94 square kilometers, less than half of what the powerful Federal Capital occupies and with ΒΌ of its population, has become in the third city with the highest volume of operations with cryptocurrencies in all of Argentina. It is a study of the firm Paxful, a global platform for the exchange of BTC, ETH, and USDT between people.

Quilmes, which owes its name to a small indigenous town from South America called Kilmes in its original language, is a clear example of why Argentina as a whole is among the first in the world in the adoption and use of cryptocurrencies. From mining, through investments, exchange, transfers abroad, arbitrations and associated consumption, everything is reflected in a perfect example of how bitcoin and other currencies serve in the real world.

What happens in this town is a clear example of the success of electronic money transactions between peers, so I think it was how Nakamoto dreamed it.

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2 years ago
