A Story

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Today i talk about a story.so Let's start.

en is a very poor girl. He has no shoes, he walks barefoot. One day a woman saw him lying helpless on the street. Seeing Karen is hers too Maya is. He adopted Karen. Then she bought him a nice pair of red shoes. Karen is her favorite red when a little bigger The pair of shoes want to go to church later. Karen thinks only of her red shoes when she goes to church to worship. At the end of the worship, the shepherd woman then called Karen In a threatening tone, Karen, a young Christian, dropped her shoes at the church. Karen is also red at the religious ceremony next Sunday Takes shoes later. This time Karen only thinks about what it feels like to see her all the time during worship. Then it's time to get out of church Her shoes seemed to dance on their own. Karen was returning home in a horse-drawn carriage. Karen is an elderly woman in the car too When he was kicked mercilessly, the driver took off his shoes. The older woman became ill. Karen then served the sick woman Responsibility, but he does not do it.

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kahiniti sotti darun...like dilam..amar lekha dekhben please

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3 years ago