Ramadan - The Month Of Fasting

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2 years ago
Topics: Life Update

Ramadan is derived from the Arabic root 'ramida' or 'ar-ramad,' which denotes sweltering heat or aridity. This name could be interpreted in two ways. One says that because Ramadan is a month of fasting, it symbolizes a burning yearning for food and water. Fasting with a pure intention, on the other hand, is thought to burn away previous transgressions. Fasting during Ramadan is thought to be thirty times more powerful than fasting at any other period of the year.

Ramadan is rich with traditions and customs. A Muslim is supposed to perform the holy rituals to the letter and to celebrate Ramadan with a pure heart. Ramadan is the holiest of the Islamic lunar calendar's four holy months.After a credible source confirms the sighting of the new moon, various ceremonies and strict routines begin as part of the deep-rooted Ramadan tradition. Muslims greet one another with "Ramadan Mubarak," which means "Blessed Ramadan," at the start of Ramadan.

Do's and Don'ts for Ramadan

Ramadan is a fasting month. However, it is frequently misconstrued as only a period of fasting. In truth, the significance of Ramadan fasting extends to a considerably broader range of activities. It means to refrain from -

i) Food

ii) Drink

iii) Sex

iv) Du'a - Actively thanking Allah for all of our blessings, and going to Him only for our needs

v) Other spiritual reading or studying

vi) Spending quality time with our families and Muslim friends

vii) Sharing with others

viii) Giving more charity

Prayers during Ramadan

During Ramadan, Muslims are required to devote the majority of their time to prayers and reading the Quran's teachings. Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Quran throughout the month of Ramadan. The 114 chapters of the Quran have been divided into thirty equal parts for ease of reading throughout the thirty days of Ramadan. Taraweeh are special evening prayers in which large passages of the Quran are recited. It's an Arabic term that means "to rest" or "to relax." Due to the length of these prayers, devotees take a little break after each rakaat before returning to their prayers. As a result, the name.

Another important prayer is the Takbeer which is usually recited after the completion of any important task, for instance it is recited on the completion of the fast of Ramadan. Takbeer is an indication that the festivities of Eid-Ul-Fitr has begun.

Food for Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of fasting during which no food is consumed from sunrise to sundown. Meals are eaten before and after dawn and dusk. Suhur is the meal eaten before sunrise, and Iftar is the dinner eaten after sunset. During Suhur and Iftar, friends and family join together to share meals. A wide variety of foods are consumed. Although Muslims in different parts of the world have their own favorite Suhur and Iftar foods, the spirit of Ramadan is universal.

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2 years ago
Topics: Life Update


really nice thing

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