The Unseen Power of Destruction: How Bitcoin Cash Can Rise Again

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Avatar for falcon-node
3 days ago

What if I told you that destruction isn’t the end? That it’s the beginning of something far greater? What if I told you that everything I’ve said about Bitcoin Cash so far, the criticisms, the harsh truths, were not meant to bury it, but to save it?

Hernández Xochitiotzin, D. (1968). Alliance between Tlaxcalans and Spaniards against Aztec tyranny. (mural).

Destruction is not the enemy. Stagnation is.

Let’s be clear: Bitcoin Cash has failed. But failure isn’t fatal. What’s fatal is clinging to failure and refusing to evolve. The coin, in its current state, is a failure. It is outdated, its community fragmented, and its vision blurred by nostalgia. But this isn’t where the story has to end. In fact, this could be where it finally begins.

When you strip away the delusions of grandeur and accept that what we have isn’t working, you create space for rebirth. The strongest metals are forged in the hottest fires. And Bitcoin Cash? It needs to burn. Not fade away in irrelevance, but burn with purpose, so that from the ashes we can forge something worthy of its name. Something worthy of the vision it once promised.

You see, Bitcoin Cash has always had one thing going for it that no other coin can replicate: its potential for community-driven innovation. When the Bitcoin Cash community is united, it can outmaneuver anyone. We’ve seen it before, and we can see it again. But first, we need to strip away the baggage. We need to stop trying to be everything to everyone and focus on what Bitcoin Cash should be.

Bitcoin Cash can’t be a relic of the past. It must be a weapon of the future.

Here’s where I surprise you. All this criticism? All this tearing down? It was never about abandoning Bitcoin Cash. It was about burning away the rot. It was about shaking people out of their complacency. I’ve never stopped believing in what Bitcoin Cash could be. But belief alone doesn’t build an empire. Strategy does. Vision does.

Right now, most of you are missing the bigger picture. The real power of Bitcoin Cash isn’t its current state, but its potential—the potential to become a streamlined, battle-hardened platform for financial freedom. We don’t need a bloated community of millions. We need a sharp, dedicated core of innovators, builders, and thinkers. This is the army that will resurrect Bitcoin Cash—not by repeating the past, but by embracing the future.

So what’s the plan? The plan is simple: Bitcoin Cash can rise again, but not as the coin of the masses. It must become the tool of the visionaries, the innovators who understand that true change requires destruction first. It’s time to build a leaner, meaner Bitcoin Cash—one that doesn’t rely on hype, but on execution. A Bitcoin Cash that values agility over nostalgia.

And those few of you who are still here? You have a choice to make. Will you cling to the crumbling remains of what once was, or will you be part of something new, something greater? This is the moment where history splits into two paths. One where Bitcoin Cash fades into irrelevance, and another where it rises as the engine of a revolution—but only if we’re willing to embrace the fire.

I’m not here to watch Bitcoin Cash die. I’m here to see it reborn. But for that to happen, you need to stop treating it like a fragile artifact and start treating it like a weapon. A weapon needs to be sharpened, refined, and honed for a purpose. That purpose is to challenge the very systems that are slowly strangling us. To become the antidote to bloated, centralized control.

And if you can’t see that… well, maybe you’re the one standing in the way of the revolution.

Bitcoin Cash can rise again, but only if we destroy what isn’t working. Only if we strip away the weak parts and rebuild something stronger. I’m not offering false hope. I’m offering a challenge. You either step up or step aside.

But know this: those who rise from the ashes are the ones who shape the future. And if you think I’m going to sit back and watch this community fade into obscurity, you’re sorely mistaken.

Bitcoin Cash was never meant to die. It was meant to evolve. Now, what are you going to do about it?

$ 0.70
$ 0.70 from Anonymous user(s)
Avatar for falcon-node
3 days ago


You have said nothing in this post. Just vague generalities with no substance. This is clearly a psy-op attempting to create doubt and uncertainty in new comers to Bitcoin Cash. Looks like the BTC cult and bankers are starting to get worried about BCH.

$ 0.00
2 days ago

An operation by BTC and the bankers? Let’s be honest—this article has been read by, what, four people? If this were part of some grand psy-op, it would be one of the most inefficient operations in history. But I appreciate the laugh.

Joking aside, accusing every critical viewpoint of being an 'operation' is just a way to avoid real discussion. If you disagree with what I’m saying, engage with the actual content instead of defaulting to paranoia. We don’t need to fabricate enemies when the real challenge is right in front of us: our own stagnation.

And let’s be clear—creating doubt in newcomers isn’t my aim. If we want BCH to thrive, we need to do better than just dismiss anyone who questions the status quo.

$ 0.00
2 days ago is where people interested in BCH would look so you are here trying to sew seeds of doubt and foster discouragement. You have not presented any actual content, it is all full of vague characterizations like "the project has stagnated" and "we can do much better". There is no substance in your article. You have worded it in such a way to shed a negative light on the community and project without actually saying anything specific related to the supposed issues or solutions.

$ 0.00
2 days ago

By the way, it’s interesting that you, who accuse me in every comment of orchestrating some grand plan against BCH, just created this account two days ago! specifically to respond to my articles and sow doubt about my legitimate critiques. Quite curious, isn’t it?

$ 0.00
2 days ago

Just got back into BCH recently after I noticed the project is back on track to be money for the world, that is why I created the account two days ago.

Saw your article because it was on top of the feed and it was very retarded so I had to respond.

$ 0.00
2 days ago

So, you created an account just two days ago and your first instinct was to hurl insults at an article you barely understood? Let’s be honest: your reaction says more about you than it does about my critique. The strength of any project—BCH included—isn't proven by blind loyalty, but by its ability to withstand scrutiny. If BCH can’t handle criticism without defenders resorting to name-calling, that speaks volumes about where the real weakness lies. Insults are the weapon of those who can’t think beyond their own insecurities.

The fact that you feel threatened by a few pointed observations says everything. If BCH is truly back on track, it will thrive on discussion, dissent, and the ability to evolve. But instead of engaging with ideas, you’ve chosen the path of baseless accusations and childish insults. It’s ironic, really: the very behavior you're displaying is the kind that keeps BCH from rising to its full potential.

To everyone else reading, ask yourself—are we really going to grow as a community if this is the level of discourse we tolerate? Is BCH so fragile that a single article can cause this kind of panic? Or is it time to admit that honest conversations about where we stand are the only way forward?

$ 0.00
1 day ago

I did a couple months worth of research into BCH before I decided to jump back in. I instantly saw your motivation to sabotage the project. BTC maxi's and bankers are terrified of BCH because they are both running a confidence game. Once a critical mass of people realize they have been swindled it is over for both of these groups.

This is why people like you are all over the place spreading FUD regarding any serious competition to those fraudulent narratives.

As I said you are not providing any constructive criticism, just trying to cast general and unfounded doubt.

$ 0.00
1 day ago

If this were a calculated effort to undermine Bitcoin Cash, I’d be wasting my talents on a platform barely clinging to life. Let’s not kid ourselves: is no battleground for a grand conspiracy. If I were here to run some kind of psychological operation, I’d have chosen a stage with more than 9 spectators. The fact that you're accusing me of such on a forum this quiet says more about the state of BCH than my article ever could.

Let’s address your complaint: you want 'specifics.' But sometimes the problem isn't just a checklist of issues. It’s the bigger picture, the general attitude and momentum. Stagnation isn’t always about one glaring issue; it's about the creeping mediocrity that sets in when a community starts thinking everything’s fine when it’s not. When did better become an accusation? Why does asking for more from BCH suddenly feel like an attack?

If you’re not seeing the same stagnation, maybe it's because you’ve grown comfortable with the status quo. And if my argument feels vague to you, perhaps that’s because you’re looking for answers in a list of bullet points instead of the challenge I’m presenting: to stop coasting and start demanding more from ourselves and this project.

If you’re looking for specifics, maybe start by asking why we’ve been stuck here, debating on a platform in decay, instead of pushing BCH to its potential.

And if you’re still convinced this is some grand scheme, maybe it’s time to look at the real issue staring you in the face.

$ 0.00
2 days ago

Your articles come off as an attempt to sabotage the positive sentiment. You most likely jumped into BCH during a pimp and now you are sour, or you are just paid to drag down any competition to BTC.

Activity on BCH is growing and will continue to do so because the community is dedicated to making BCH the best form of digital money.

$ 0.00
2 days ago