Bitcoin Cash: The Funeral You’re All Ignoring

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Avatar for falcon-node
6 days ago

I get it. You’re here because you’re one of the few, the stubborn, the 'true believers' still clinging to this platform, hoping that Bitcoin Cash will somehow rise from the ashes. But let me ask you something: Why are you still here?

Jacques-Louis, D. (1787). The Death of Socrates .

Take a good look around. This social platform is a graveyard. The network itself? Dying. And you, the last few warriors left on this shipwreck, you think you're the brave few fighting for a cause. But here’s the truth no one dares to say out loud: Bitcoin Cash is dead, and you’re mourning a corpse that’s already decomposed.

Sure, you’ll argue with the usual rhetoric. You’ll talk about 'decentralization' and 'freedom from the tyranny of traditional finance'. But let’s face reality for a second. Bitcoin Cash wasn’t even the original vision, because the original version has never existed. Do you remember the last time Bitcoin Cash did anything truly revolutionary? I don’t either.

While the crypto world evolves, while Ethereum, Solana, and even BTC itself adapt and thrive, here you are, pretending that holding onto an obsolete vision is some kind of victory. It’s not. You’re in a decaying echo chamber, and instead of acknowledging the end, you tell yourselves it’s a rebirth. But rebirth requires death first, and you’re unwilling to even face that.

What’s left of this community? Maybe a few traders trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel, or the nostalgic few who refuse to admit they bet on the wrong horse. Do you think you’re the resistance? The vanguard of a new financial revolution? Please. The rest of the world moved on, and you’re left clutching your pixels and crypto dust like relics of a forgotten era.

Here’s my challenge to you: Prove me wrong.

You’ll say I’m just trying to provoke, that I don’t understand the 'real' power of Bitcoin Cash. But deep down, you know that’s a lie. This platform, this community, it’s a husk, and you’re standing in its ruins because you're too proud to admit defeat. If Bitcoin Cash has any future left, it’s not going to come from hanging onto this sinking ship. It’s going to come from the few of you who can recognize that and take action. Either evolve or go down with the wreckage.

If you’re serious about 'changing the world', stop playing pretend. Bitcoin Cash doesn’t need loyalists. It needs visionaries willing to admit when it’s time to burn everything down and start over. It’s time to bury the past and forge a future — or stay here, clutching your tokens, and fade away with them.

Your move.

$ 0.00
Avatar for falcon-node
6 days ago


Looks like someone is wasting a lot of time trying to convince others they are wasting their time.

$ 0.00
3 days ago

Looks like someone is wasting a lot of time trying to convince others they are wasting their time.

Interesting take. But here’s the thing: if time is being wasted, it’s not in the criticism. It’s in the blind loyalty to a sinking ship. Convincing others to see what’s right in front of them isn’t a waste of time; it’s a wake-up call.

The real waste of time is pretending everything is fine while the foundation crumbles. I’m not here to convince for the sake of convincing, I’m here because someone needs to say what everyone else is avoiding. If that makes you uncomfortable, maybe it’s because deep down, you know there’s truth in it.

Keep clinging to the status quo if you want, but don’t mistake action for noise. Sometimes the hardest truth is the one you don’t want to hear.

$ 0.00
3 days ago