Bitcoin Cash doesn’t need a savior. It needs a grave digger

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Avatar for falcon-node
4 days ago

There’s a simple truth that too many people refuse to accept: not everything that dies deserves to be brought back to life. Bitcoin Cash doesn’t need a savior. It needs a grave digger.

Millet, Jean-François. (1859). L'Angélus.

Look around. What do you see in the Bitcoin Cash community? A clinging to past glories, an obsessive belief that if we just try hard enough, we can return to the days when Bitcoin Cash meant something. But here's the cold reality: the days of Bitcoin Cash are over. It's not coming back, and no amount of patching up a broken ship will make it seaworthy again.

Let me be blunt. What you're defending is not the future of cryptocurrency—it's a relic of the past. Bitcoin Cash once promised to be the people's money, a tool of liberation. But now? It’s a shadow of its former self, limping along as better, faster, more secure technologies pass it by. The community's desperate attempt to revive it only serves to dig the hole deeper.

The energy being wasted on this coin could be better spent building the next innovation. Instead, you’re stuck in the past, attempting to polish an old, worn-out relic while the rest of the world is moving forward. You’re holding the future hostage to your nostalgia.

What if I told you the best thing you could do for Bitcoin Cash is to let it die? Not as an act of defeat, but as an act of strategy. Evolution in technology isn’t about preserving everything. It’s about knowing when to let something go so something better can take its place.

Imagine what could happen if the collective intelligence, the resources, and the passion in this community were redirected towards a project that actually had a future. Technologies are emerging right now that could reshape the financial landscape in ways Bitcoin Cash never could. But if you’re too busy trying to salvage a sinking ship, you’ll miss out on the revolution happening around you.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: your loyalty to Bitcoin Cash is sabotaging progress. It’s preventing you from seeing the real opportunities, the real advancements that are happening outside of this dying platform. You’ve become the resistance that achieves nothing.

Ask yourself this: Are you willing to be part of that resistance? Are you willing to go down with the ship while others explore new horizons, or are you brave enough to let go and move forward?

Resurrecting the unnecessary isn’t heroic—it’s foolish. If Bitcoin Cash were still relevant, still innovative, this conversation wouldn’t even be happening. But the fact that it is should tell you all you need to know. Now, the choice is yours. Keep fighting for a lost cause, or accept the inevitable and turn your focus to something that can actually make a difference.

But make no mistake—history doesn’t look kindly on those who fight to keep the past alive at the expense of the future. So, which side of history will you stand on?

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from Anonymous user(s)
Avatar for falcon-node
4 days ago


Sounds like someone is desperate to keep the lid on the rapidly growing BCH ecosystem and community.

$ 0.01
3 days ago

Desperate? No. Realistic. There’s a difference.

You’re right about one thing: I’m not interested in ‘keeping the lid’ on anything. Quite the opposite, I’m trying to blow it wide open. The ‘rapidly growing ecosystem’ you speak of? It’s an illusion if we don’t address the core weaknesses dragging it down. Numbers can look good on paper, but without direction and unity, they’re just hollow statistics.

If the community is truly growing, then prove it by acting, not by clinging to the idea that more people = success. Growth without purpose is just noise. Let’s cut through the noise and build something real.

And if you really want to understand where I’m coming from, read my latest article: The Unseen Power of Destruction: How Bitcoin Cash Can Rise Again.

$ 0.00
3 days ago