Real Life Story : My Introvert Neighbor

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3 years ago

This is urgent dear readers because the story l will tell you is real . It is about an introvert guy who is my neighbor but his life is destroyed day after other.

The reason that push me to take action and try to help him through my writing .

Dear reader, l tell you that story because you can be in the sale situation one day. May be you give an advice through readcash comment section . May be you learn something from that story.

Let tell me a bit about

That introvert is getting older without doing something useful in his life. If l give him an advice or told him that behavior is wrong.

Be careful reader, he is not mad and he is aware of that his situation is bad financially and socially too. I will try to elaborate that as more as l can.

He is intelligent but when it comes to be active in society , he don't want to socialize with people ever.

I don't understand why is that fear from building relationships with people.

Strange things my introvert Neighbor do


The case seems complexe for me. So l need to ask BCH community about it. I will try the meaning of that clearly.

Now let's move to the most shocked


- He can stay in his room for 7 consecutive days without going out to any place . isn't that strange. He get out from his room only for eating time or going to the toilet.

- He stays at his parents house Without talking too much . He don't talk to any only when they ask him.

And sometimes his father fights with him for that isolation and that affects his mentality badly.

He is always depressed and sometimes get angry quickly without any reason.

People laugh at him because of that behavior and that made him more depressed.

There is more : He don't know well his neighbors and even his relatives. Not because he is ill but because being too much introvert from society.

Oversleeping up to 12 hours daily.

Do you imagine a person like that will live and build a family ? That is a big problem and need to listen to your thoughts.

The problem of introvert

I need longer visit to my introvert neighbor more to understand how their mindset work.

But l deduce that things:

They simply , eat and luckly his father is the bread winner despite he is very old. I say that because my introvert neighbor can't live on himself. People can trick him easily , exploit him and they don't pays him.

The reason he is isolated too much and even 4 years kid can trick him.

Also as l say he does not work and sleep a lot, the result he does not benefit himself nor the society that he don't want to approach it.

My solution

I think that l need to build a project under bitcoin cash to help those introverts to depend on themselves.

Since they do not want to socialize with people . l tried to encourage them working on read and noise cash or help them use their time

rather than wasting it on bad habits.

And Finally

Lovely readers, you see the problem
how big it is and myintrovertneighbor is a remarkable example.

What l want you to do is to put wise comments that can help us solving our neighbor problem. Share it with more people and especially BCH enthusiast.
If you have a story similar to that , tell me.
We need to give that kind of people a life through bitcoin cash and that is the point because they can be refused for any job.

Do you agree with me? Wanna hear your opinion

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Avatar for evana10
3 years ago


Your neighbour is not alone. Here in the UK, there are many people like that who live with their parents, they have never worked and just want to hide in their rooms. Sometimes I think their are also medical problems involved. Good luck with trying to help him.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great story.

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3 years ago