Heater or Footer

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Written by
3 years ago

A page in a long document can easily fall apart, go in the wrong place, or go out of order. In this case the header and footer will help to identify the specific document and its pages. They are even able to create captivating and visual effects to capture and capture the reader's attention. Note: The information (text) or graphics printed on the top of each page is called a header. The information (text) or image (graphics) that is printed at the bottom of each page is called a footer. To add a header or footer (or both), select the view header and footer. Moves to MS Word Print Layout Indicates the header area or the location of the header in the upper border of the document. Displays the header and footer toolbar as shown in Figure 6.6. Document information becomes shallow or light so that the gap between the header or footer and the information can be clearly understood. Other tips, such as page number, date, or time, can be entered using the toolbar buttons. The Insert Auto Text List in the toolbar helps save other information. Such as ‘created by’ (created by ...), followed by the name, the name of the document, and ‘Y’s X page’. The center tab stop is in the center of the header and footer area and the right aligned tab stop is on the right. For example, to enter a page number in the center or middle of the header, you have to press the tab to reach the center tab stop, and then click the Insert Page Number button or page number in the toolbar. If you want to switch between the header and footer area, click the 'Switch between header and footer' button in the tool bar. In the same way, type the information in the footer. Click the 'Close' button on the toolbar when it's time to return to the document. Note: The header and footer are lightly visible in the print layout view or in the view ready for printing. But it is never seen in a normal way or in a normal view. If you want to make some changes to the header or footer, select the header and footer from the view, or the print layout displays the header or footer tool bar and the header and footer area of ​​the view. Click 'Close' to edit the header or footer.

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Avatar for esrail
Written by
3 years ago


You wrote the real thing and also a good writer. The center tab stop is in the center of the header and footer area and the right aligned tab stop is on the right. For example, to enter a page number in the center or middle of the header, you have to press the tab to reach the center tab stop, and then click the Insert Page Number button or page number in the toolbar. If you want to switch between the header and footer area, click the 'Switch between header and footer' button in the tool bar. Keep writing more like that dear!!!

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3 years ago