Digital Wild West

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Avatar for eryan_ph
3 years ago

"highs and lows, greens and reds, gainers and losers, longs and shorts"


It is the world of money, where money from all traders clashes everyday to form a historical graph of a coin.

It is a world where one night's worth of sleep can make or break an individual's investment.

It is a world of desperation, where one can only watch as the market brutally went unfavorable.

But alas, it is a world that greatly rewards risks. Where one can truly feel the success stemmed from a nervous decision.

Dips testing one's patience.

Pumps testing one's greed.

But no matter what color wins, there is always a possibility that it can always turn around.

Despite the various prediction systems, one can never truly guarantee what will the drawing be like in the next 24 hours.

Of course, no one can truly see what color will millions of hands press.

Watch out, anything can happen, for this is the digital wild west.

$ 0.00
