Rollercoin - Passive Income - Free Play to Earn

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1 year ago A crypto mining simulator with real crypto earnings. Free to play of course ;)

I have been on my passive income journey for few years now with my journey taking me into the online space. Being led here has in turn led me to happening upon a multitude of earning methods, all online. Some of these (the best ones in my opinion) are passive, allowing you to earn money without requiring any work on your part. That is honestly the dream for everyone. Make money without working. 

About 7 months ago, I came across this website I had never seen before. Can you guess what it was? After coming upon this website, I was a bit hesitant. I have seen my fair share of scams and suspicious websites, especially within the crypto world. Due to this, I made sure to take my time looking into the websites history to ensure they have a reputation for paying out and allowing withdrawals, at any amount. After completing my investigation, I concluded that with 3 million players worldwide and a track record of 4 years paying players out, they could be trusted.

That is when I decided to begin the rollercoin journey myself, diving into the game deep, becoming addicted pretty quickly. This game is a crypto mining simulator where you can earn real crypto. You can choose to play the game completely for free, earning whatever earnings you get, for free. You can also choose to invest in the game to earn crypto at a higher rate, securing your portion of the network power.

This is what the current network power is, and what my power is:

To earn crypto in this game, you have two options.

You can choose to play games or have miners in your room. Rollercoin has around 12 minigames available for players to play, granting the player power (crypto earnings) after each game. Each game only takes around a minute, so you can play a ton of games each day. After playing a game, there is a cooldown until you can play it again, though it is pretty short when you first start out. The cooldown increases based on the amount of games you have played in the past 24 hours, so the issues resolves itself daily. Some of the minigames you can expect look very similar to other games you have likely seen. Games like flappy bird, card flip, tetris, 2048, and more, just rollercoin versions ;). 

These are the current game options:

The other way to earn crypto, aka power, is by having miners on a rack in your room. To place a miner in your room you need to purchase a rack, however those are very cheap so it wouldn't take long to get with games. Once you have a rack in your room you can place 4 2 cell miners on it or 8 1 cell miners on it. The miners will have a power associated with it, with some having a bonus. The bonus affects all power you have, including power gained from games, so it is super important to stack. With a miner in your room, your earning crypto without any effort, passive income. The only thing required of you from there is checking in once every 5 days to recharge your power. Other than that, you needn't do a thing.

My room looks like this:

For those of you that love playing the market. buying high and selling low ;), rollercoin has the perfect thing for you. They just introduced a market, meaning players have the opportunity to turn their 1 RLT into 1,000 RLT, just by flipping. 

Here is a little look at the market:

This game is not only insanely addicting, it has some real potential for making money, the best way possible. Passively. My experience with them has been amazing and fun, let me know if yours ends up being the same!

Referral Link:
Non-referral Link:

Thank you for reading, I hope you found some use here. If you have any questions regarding Rollercoin, passive income, or just wanna chat, feel free to comment or shoot me a message.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @qheer92
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1 year ago
