all of humans have prophecy in this world. we are born to get our dreams and fight for them.all of us had dreams in childhood and i am sure that we are asked what will you do in the future? it is a familiar question which we are thinking about.thinking about what will we do in future, thinking about what we are growing up for,thinking about am i be a success man/woman in my life?
in all of my life, i trust god. the god that created all of things in this world.the god that incepted all of the beautiful and attractive objects in this world.i believe in god because of all of happening in my story and i know that all of happening that happen to you is a destiny. i speak to you with all of my little heart and absolutely absolutely sure that also was happened to you and you know my words.
i believe in this sentences that say "if you can do it,you can get it". why this sentences is true? i can explain it to you. This whole world is based on the universe.the universe has the very powerful authority to gave us a power to control powers which god grant them to us. with these powers we can do anything that we want to do. yes,you understood correct. i said exactly anything. anything that you want to do in this whole world, you want to be a successful person in your life,you want to be a person that dreamed in his/her thoughts.i tell you that is possible very easy.just follow your dreams,follow your thoughts,follow signs that the god put in front of you.
about myself
let me tell you about myself.i live in iran and i love my country but for many reasons i don't want to be in iran.I grew up in a lot of suffering and troubles but i wasn't tired you know why? because in every seconds of my life, my dreams being in front of my eyes. I saw them and my life owe god.I try and try and i never stop in my life and i think the god answered to my efforts and eagerness in life.
I studied in one of the best university of iran and my town shiraz that called "shiraz university of technology. the best professors and masters that you saw in your life.I appreciated them very very much and thanks them to teach me lots of valuable thing.
I'd like to study in one of the universities in canada for my better progress in life and i decide to try and do everything to catch this important thing and i guess this is the one of the best desire that i want to get it.additionally i love to travel around world and see the beauties of this universe and feel these amazing creatures and see different cultures and all people around world.